Chapter Three

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The airport was packed. People everywhere, bashing and shouting at each other to move out the way. 'Its not what its like in the movies." I thought to myself.

I had just come off my flight and was busy looking for my bags. I looked for my blue huge suitcase and after waiting a few minutes, finally found it. Now all I needed to do was find James, which was probably going to be a lot harder. I walked to the international arrivals gate and walked through the automatic doors. I walked to left and started searching for my cousin.

After looking for about 5 minutes, I realized I was really thirsty so I glanced around looking for the nearest Starbucks. I found it immediately and walked over to the short line. I then pulled my phone out and tried phone James. 


"Hey James, its Emily, I just stopped at Starbucks for a drink, Where are you?"

"I just arrived, I'll meet you at Starbucks yeah?" 

"Okay sure, Do you want me to get  you anything?" 

"No, I'm good thanks. See you know."

"Okay bye."

I put down the phone and walked up to the counter. "How can I help?" said the bottle blonde behind the counter. "One green tea frap please" I gave the exact  amount of  money due and my name and walked over to the high chairs to wait for my drink. The girl called my name after a few minutes and I walked to go get my frap. While walking back to sit down, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around knowing it was James, I grabbed him for a huge hug.

"Oh my god, James. How are you?" I said pulling away from his bear hug with a huge smile on my face. "I'm amazing thanks. What about you, God you've grown since the last time I saw you." he said smiling back. That huge grin he always had. I missed it. James and I were more like brother and sister when we were younger. We would do everything together. Then I moved at around age 10 and we rarely saw each other. I moved just outside of Melbourne and because everything with my dad, we didn't see each other because money was low. but finally after I think nearly seven years, we we're reunited. "I'm great." I replied. "How is your mom, and Jake and Austin, wow they must be so big now." I smiled remembering my family back home. "Oh they're all fine. Busy as always." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well we should start heading home, LA traffic at 5 is hectic, don't want to get caught up in that." he said laughing and taking my big suitcase. "The boys are in the car waiting." he said gesturing me to follow him. I did so but wondered who 'the boys' were. Mom had said something about him moving here with friends. 

As we walked to the car, I realized how much James had changed. His face, his hair and he had definitely been working out. I wonder what he thinks of me, I wonder if he was excited when I asked if I could come live here. 

James walked over to a quiet a big car in the parking lot. I anxiously waited to see who 'the boys' were. I hated meeting new people because I was so shy. James popped my luggage into the back and opened the door for me. 

"Hey guys, this is my cousin Emily. Emily this is Beau, Jai and Daniel." he said pointing to each as he said their name. "Hey, nice to meet you." Beau said on behalf of all of them. "Hello, pleasure to meet you too." I said smiling and getting into the car. James got into the drivers seat and started the car. "Our friend, Luke, was supposed to come too but something came up and he couldn't go. He's probably faking something so he can go for a hike and take pictures all day." I laughed but in my head thought that it was a pretty good idea, the taking photos part of course, hiking was not my cup of tea at all.

"So James says you're coming to a photography school here?" Jai said "Yeah, I've always loved taking photos and once I got a scholarship everything just fell into place." I replied sweetly "Wow, she sounds exactly like Luke." Daniel said laughing. "Yeah she does actually" Beau said laughing. I smiled back wondering what Luke looked liked, and at that very moment, which was a little scary, Jai said "Luke and I are twins just by the way. Beau is our older brother." "That's awesome. I have two twin brothers. Jake and Austin." I replied. "Yeah James mentioned something about them." he said looking at James.

[car ride home]

I took my small suitcase out the boot while James took the other. From the outside the house looked pretty big. I followed the boys up to the front door. James unlocked it and shouted out, "Luke, We're home!" He wheeled my bags into the house and turned around to face me, "Well this is it, You're home for a while." He said smiling that big goofy smile. I couldn't help but smile my biggest smile back. The year was going to be amazing.


A/N - Hi :) So what do you think? Leave a comment telling me ;) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I told my mom I was studying science but I was actually writing this haha. Like I said leave a comment of what you think and vote :) xx

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