Chapter Four

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The house was lovely. Bigger then I expected and cleaner too. The house was over looking LA, it was beautiful. James had phoned Luke to ask him to bring home some pizza for dinner on his way back. I was kind of excited at meeting Luke, after hearing about him, it sounded like we had alot in common. I had already unpacked all my clothes and other stuff. My room was plain and simply, which I was glad about. This way I could design it and buy stuff I liked. 

"Luke said she should any moment." said Daniel reading a text from Luke. He sat on the couch opposite me and James and Beau joined him, Jai taking one of the high chairs. "So Emily, are you excited." said James smiling with his big smile again. "Yes actually, I'm a little scared for school and stuff you know? but I know It'll be fun, and I cant wait to see LA." I said sounding a bit enthusiastically for my liking. Beau laughed at his phone for a moment and jai asked what it was, "Nay, I'm doing a follow spree and all of them are going mad because I 'didn't tell them about it'ha" he said. I looked at the boys waiting for one of them to explain to me who 'all of them' was but I was cut short by the noise of the front door shutting. "PIZZA" shouted what I assumed was Luke. 

"We're in the living room." responded Daniel even louder. "You fucking cunts didn't tell me what you wanted, so I just got it all plain." said Luke storming into the kitchen holding 4 boxes of 'plain' pizza. 'Oh god." I thought to myself, here it comes, me thinking a guy that had all the same interests as me would have a nice personality, but he has something far from it. 

"the fuck Luke you know I like mushrooms." said beau looking up from his phone, "Yeah and I think about every person knows I like Bacon on mine." added Daniel. Jai just laughed at the comments. "Luke, before you kill us for not telling you what we wanted, let me introduce you to my beautiful cousin, Emily." I blushed at the sound of the word beautiful. I stood up to introduce myself properly. Walking over to Luke, I put my hand out to shake it but to my surprise, he pulled me in for a tight hug. It felt amazing actually. 'He at least gives nice hugs." I thought 

"Sorry about that little tantrum, I'm not usually like that, I'm Luke by the way." he said trying to hide his rosy cheeks. "No, its okay, don't worry about it, I've heard worse." he laughed. 

Wow. His laugh. It was perfect.

"No Emily, your first day here and you already like your best friends cousin. no no no. We can be friends that's all, and besides you came here for school, not to find yourself a hot boyfriend." i said to myself. 

"Well once you too stop looking at each other all gooey eyed, maybe we could eat." said beau sounding annoyed. I could literally feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. 

After eating dinner and watching a bit of TV, I had decided it was bed time. I was horribly jet lagged and waking up tomorrow was definitely going to be a challenge. "Guys, I'm out, I'm so tired. Goodnight, see you tomorrow." I said getting up from my comfortable position on the couch. "Goodnight Em, sleep well."James said. "Yeah enjoy your first night here." said Daniel with a cute grin. "Umh, I think I'm going to head on upstairs too. I'm drained from being out in the sun today." said Luke yawning. Even i didn't believe him but I went along with it. "Actually, Luke, umh I need to show you something outside, its kind of urgent," I heard James say, but I was already half way asleep right there.

Lukes POV

 I wondered what was so urgent that James needed to tell me. It was stopping me from having a chance to speak to Emily alone. She was gorgeous. Everything about her was perfect. her smile could light up an entire city. I was going to ask her if she wanted to join me for lunch tomorrow, so I could show her around, but I would have to ask her later.

"James, what's so urgent?" I said turning around to face James. It was dark outside, but the stars were shining brightly. "Stay away Luke, I know you." he said sounding angry. "The fuck James?" 

"She is my cousin, and you re one of my best friends. I will not let you use her like I know you do to every girl."

"James, you can't tell me who to date, she is your cousin for god sake, I'm not going to fucking use her." my voice was raised now.

"Luke, Just listen to me, I promised her mom I would look after her and make her focus on her school. I'm not going to let you stuff it up. Just fucking listen to me okay." James said loudly. 

"Look James, your my best friend, I would never do that to you but she is different, I swear. Just let me at least take her out."


I was shocked, all these years of being friends with James I had never heard him get so angry. Beau walked outside, "what's going on?" he said worried. "Nothing, just letting Luke know about something." James said turning around and walking inside. 

I knew I had to listen to him now. He was still one of my best friends, and she is still his cousin. I walked back inside and straight to James. Daniel and jai had gone upstairs and Beau was outside doing some shit on his iPad. "Look, James, I'm sorry. I really am. I'm in know place to say what I said, and you re right, she's your cousin. I'm sorry bro." James looked up at me and replied. "Thanks man, I'm sorry for lashing out like that, I'm just worried, she is my little cousin you know? I'm in charge of her and I don't want her getting hurt." I nodded in agreement, "Just promise me you'll listen Luke." He looked at me with a serious face. "I promise." I hugged him and decided it was enough for tonight and walked upstairs to my room. 


A/N - Hey cuties :) so its a long-ish chapter :o I wanted to right it before I go on camp.

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