Chapter 3 - Chatting and the Store

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Zena’s POV <3

I got a friend  request on facebook. It was from some guy named “Jason Deeps” ? who is he? I accepted his request anyway and he sent me a message.

Jason Deeps: Hey :D

Zena Marie: umm do I know you?

Jason Deeps: yah. Im closer than you think.

Zena Marie: you’re creeping me out.. who are you?

Jason Deeps: chill, its justin. :P

Zena Marie: oh.

Jason Deeps: watcha upto?

Zena Marie: nothing really. Just watching tv and on twitter.

Jason Deeps: username?

Zena Marie: @TheAmazingZena   :P

Jason Deeps: guees what.. justin bieber followed you.. !!

Zena Marie: yippee.

Jason Deeps:  ;) anyway I wanted to get to know you better a while ago but u had to go.. so tell me something I don’t know :)

Zena Marie: k ay.. ummmmmmmmmmmmm….. Let’s see. Im lazy,I  love baking, its my dream to go around the world and I love music.. :) is that enough?

Jason Deeps: I’m exactly the same like you but.. not the baking stuff. :P and tell me more..

Zena  Marie : like what?

Jason Deeps:  hmm.. how old r u?

Zena Marie: im only 16 and u?

Jason Deeps: 17.. soon to be 18 :)

*so the chat went on for like 2 hours until*

Zena Marie: hey justin im kinda sleepy.. I g2g.. bye

Jason Deeps:  ok goodnight :)..

Justin’s POV <3

Jason Deeps:  ok goodnight :)..

I typed.. and she logged out. Wow.. turns out we have a lot in common like.. She likes chocolate ice cream.Doritos.Chris Brown.Jersey Shore.. she likes a lot of things I like.. I have a feeling that we will become good friends..

I went to bed and had a dream about…. A hamburger :P lol..

*next day :D*

Zena’s POV <3

I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through my room which probably blinded me so I buried my head into my pillow again.. then “Bubbles” decided to start jumping on my bed to wake me up.. she was like an alarm clock.. I groaned and got up.. went down stairs, grabbed the cereal and milk, poured into a bowl and started eating lazily.

 My mom went downstairs with a bedhead and she asked me “Zena, please go to the store and get me these.She handed me a piece of paper filled with shit I should buy. “okay.. is that all?” I asked with my mouth full of cereal.”yep but I’ll give you some extra money if you want anything more :)” she said.

“Kay” I said finished up my cereal, kissed her cheek and went upstairs to get ready. I took a shower & blow dried my hair. I put on this outfit ( I have to admit I did look good..

But the fat makes me look so chubby X(. Anyway so I went downstairs and went out the door. Getting on my bike..yes I wanted to go biking :P. I finally reached the supermarket and locked my bike onto the pole and went in. Ok carrots, check. Milk, check. bread, check. Now we go to the tampons section.. I was looking through the brands walking backwards to find which one my mom wanted but I hit someone from behind me.

Justin’s POV

Ugh, I hate it when my mother lets me buy her tampons its really embarrassing. Especially when we get it checked at the counter. I was looking through the tampons but then I hit someone from behind. “I’m so sorry” a very familiar voice said. I turned around and saw that it was Zena. I tried not to blush at the fact that she saw me buying tampons, but I feel my cheeks burn anyway. “Justin, what are you doing?” she said nodding to the box of tampons in my hands. “ummmmm. no it’s not what it looks like.. my mom let me get them.. oh and sorry for bumping you” I said still red. “oh, its fine” she said. “see you :)” she said turning around. “wait.. where u going?” I asked. “uhh.home?” she said like she was asking a question. “oh..lets walk together then..”I said smiling.”but I brought a bike.. “oh thats fine, I brought my skateboard” I said,, “okay lets just pay these first.” She said and we were at the counter. I leaned into her ear and whispered.. just to tickle her ears, lol “can you please get these tampons checked.. I’ll give you the money but please get it checked for me, its embarrassing”. “yah sure” she said getting the tampons from my hands and getting the money I gave her. We checked the items and she gave me back the change. We headed out of the store and I had an idea. “hey Zena, wanna race?” I smirked. “hmmm.. me on a bike and you on a skateboard? yah sure but is there a bet?” “now that you mentioned it, yes there is a bet, if you win….” I trailed off waiting for her to finish the sentence. “ok.. if 1 of us wins, the loser, which will be you, will be my servant for 1 month.. and if you win, vice versa”she said.

“Ok it’s a deal” I said. We shook hands and counted together “ 1, 2, 3, GO!” we were racing and we were just side by side laughing while trying to win. Ok we’re about a minute away from home and she is currently winning. I mean what thte hell she has a bike and I have skateboard.. its harder >:P. I reached first! HA! I NEVER lose.. she’ll be my slave for a month..haha.

“oww. Fine you win” she said with a pout on her face. She was cute in her outfit. “oh, come on, don’t be sad ‘cuz you’re a loser”I smirked. ‘’ wow.. you are competitive” she said rolling her eyes at me. “ok my first task for you to do is.. tell me how awesome I am” I stated. She face palmed her forehead and looked at me.. “you are awesome’’ she said. “what else?” I asked, stillsmirking. “you are the king of “swag”  and is the best in the world.. happy?“ she said using air quotes on the word swag. “yup! Oh and btw I’ll start calling you Zenny :)”

Zena’s POV <3

“yup! Oh and btw I’ll start calling you Zenny :)” he chirped with that big goofy smile on his face. He looked all the time.. He was wearing this ( But I hate that I have to be a slave :(, oh well. 

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