Chapter 4 - 20 questions, hugs, facebook stalking

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Zena’s POV <3

“come to my house” he said.. dragging me with him.. “wait..i’ll just put these things at home and I’ll be there.. wait am I gonna stay for long?, ‘cuz if I am.. I’m gonna change into something comfortable..”I asked. “yep let’s say you might stay ‘till 7 maybe?”he answered.

 “okay..go ahead I’ll be there in 5” I said walking inside my home.. I fed my dog, and went upstairs, into my room, and grabbed the first pajama set I saw ( put my hair into a low ponytail and grabbed my phone.

I went down the stairs and walked next door. I rang the doorbell and waited. Justin opened the door wearing this ( . He always looks good without even trying.. but still I hate that im his slave X(. “hello.. Zenny” he said emphasizing on the word zenny. “hello justiiine” I said making it sound like a girl name.. He had an annoyed look on his face and I just laughed.

Justin’s POV <3

She looked cute in her “comfortable” outfit. “ok hmmmm.. I’ll be in the living room, make me a sandwich” I grinned. “kay” she said going into the kitchen. After about 5 minutes of watching Spongebob, (yes I still watch spongebob),she came in holding the plate of sandwich on her hands and handed it to me. I ate the sandwich while staring intently at the screen. I felt like I was being watched so I looked at her, and yep she was staring at me with a weird look.

 “what?” I asked with my mouth still full.. “nothing, it’s just like you eat like a pig.” She said shrugging. “well you’re gonna have to deal with it” I chuckled. We had some small talk until I asked.. “wanna play 20 questions?”.. “yah sure :)” she said smiling.. I’m still not yet tired of that smile. “ok you ask me first” she said. “ok, favorite color?”I asked. “purple.. you?” “same :P” “uhhhh best moment of your life?” “hmmm.. performing on stage for the first time” I answered.

We kept on asking questions until we reached 18 it was my turn to ask. “do you think I’m cute” I asked confidently. “nope.” She said sticking her tongue  out. “oww come one you know I am” I said winking. “be honest.”I said. “umm yah you are” she said chuckling. “ok my turn” she said. “how many girlfriends did you have?” she asked. “hmmm 4, including selena.” I said honestly. “you?” I asked, curious..

 “I never had one..” she said looking down.. What the hell, she never had a boyfriend, she’s beautiful and has a great personality, and yet has no boyfriend. I lifted her chin up with my finger and whispered “its ok, you’re beautiful.. one day you’ll find the one”… In my mind I was hoping that I was the one for her. We were staring at each other until she looked down.

“Umm.. most tragic moment? “ I asked her. “when my father left 2 years ago for some business trip and never came back. But he’s and asshole anyway so I don’t care”she said.. “oh I’m sorry” I said “no, don’t be ..Ok my turn “ she said changing the topic.. “how many girls did you kiss?” she said chuckling. “I had nothing else to ask =))”she stated. “ummm, I lost count”I answered chuckling.. “playboy” she laughed.. I asked “you?” “I never had one yet, I’m saving it for someone special “ she smiled cutely. “whoever that is he’s gonna be lucky” I said chuckling..

We talked some more, and I loved how she talks to me like I’m her old buddy. I really am going to use this slave thingy to get us close together. Her phone started ringing and her ringtone was.. ahahahaha.. “mr bombastic” by mr.bean.. I love that ringtone..  she giggled..ugh, everything she does is so cute she should stop..“hello” she answered..

“im at justins” she said.. “no, we are not doing anything stupid” she rolled her eyes.. ahaha ;) now her mom thinks we’re doing.. stuff. “okay, im coming, bye, love you too” she said and hung up. “I have to go home :/” she told me. “okay, its 7 anyway so goodnight” I said.. “bye” she said turning to go.. “wait..” I said opening my arms wide expecting her to hug me. “hug me goodnight” I said grinning.

 “why?” she asked.. “come here and I’llt tell you” I stated. She came over and hugged me. “because this is what we do when you’re leaving kay?” I said, smelling her.. lol that sounded wrong but she smells so good. She noticed and laughed “are you smelling me?” she asked.. “uhh no..” I said blushing and pulling away. “can I have your number btw?,so I can call you “ I asked.. “yah sure.. 555-0574”she said and I saved it on my phone. “okay, now you can go” I said.. “bye!’’ she said heading out the door. “bye..”I said back.I went upstairs and grabbed my mac laptop.

Hmmmm. What to do? I asked myself.. ahh.. facebook stalking on zena’s page ;) . I have nothing better to do, don’t blame meh. I logged on facebook and went on her wall. I clicked on pictures. She had about 6 pics for profile pics but tagged in like 500 pictures. Ok let’s start with profile pics. I was going through her  pictures I saw the one I liked.. I was staring at the screen.She was so beautiful. 

How does she not have a boyfriend. She’s perfect. I think have a crush on her, not major crushing just a tiny crush.. I don’t want to ruin what we just started so I’m not gonna flirt, im just going to be friendly. I can do it.i’ll try not to fall again. Last time with Selena was bad enough.. I loved her and I caught her cheating on me with some random surf dude on the beach.Back to Zena, I went through her tagged pics and she still looked beautiful without trying, I like this picture the best, but ofcourse I will not like the picture, she’ll catch me stalking at it will be really awkward.

Can’t wait to see her tomorrow..


please comment  what you think :) if you hate it just tell me.. i won't get hurt.. i know i suck anyway :))

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