Chapter 11 - McDonalds and Jealousy

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“Shh Zena, please dont cry” I said rubbing her back as she cries softly, thinking about her father.. “It's going to be alright, if he sees you sad, he'll be sad..” I said.. After moments passed.. She sighed and finnally stopped crying.. “Are you okay?” I ask her. “im fine, I should really get over it..” she replied.. “now lets go get that burger” she said standing up slightly smiling.. We walked down wthe pathway on our way to McDonalds.We enetered the shop, the smell of frying pattys hitting our noses.. “ok Justin go get us a seat, I'll order, since you know, you're a” she said.. “star” she continued her sentence whispering.. “ok here's the money” I said handing her 20 bucks.. “no it's my treat, you've done enough” she said smiling heading over to the counter.. I didn't have time to argue because if we did we would just attract more attention..

Zena's Pov <3

I headed over to the counter.. I decided that I would order a Big mac for me and Justin.. as I was waiting in line, this really gorgeous girl walked in the shop, Justin being a guy checked her out, and he looked happy. I felt a pang of jealousy, she had a really nice body, it kinda is like Miley Cyrus' body, then I started looking at her in envy, why me from all girls to be cursed with fat, why me? “excuse me miss, can I take your order?” the cash register guy asked me.. “one salad no dressing and one big mac please” I said handing him the money..

I got my receipt Order 25,and stayed in the side waiting for my order, as I waited I looked at the girl's body, I know it sounds wrong but you know what I mean. Firm C cup,small waist, long legs, a normal ass, everything, the hair, the face, she's perfect. I stopped staring so that I wont tear up.. “order 25!” the guy shouted.. I went over and grabbed the tray and walked back to where Justin was sitting.. He was still staring, hello! have some manners you have a fucking person right in front of you, actually correction, a beast.

I ate my salad silently as Justin was eating his Big Mac STILL FUCKING STARING. “excuse me” I said as I got up from the table and went to the restroom.. I went in the stall put the cover of the toilet seat down and sat. A mirror in front of me.. I looked at myself..inetntly staring at the mirror I started to tear up.. I tried nothing makes me look better.. I stood up turned sideways to examine my stomach.. it got bigger.. i'm very sure, you can tell. Last time I checked my waistline I was about a 32 now maybe 34 or 35. I sat back down and stared some more, I couldn't take it, I know I might be overacting but I just cant take it anymore, I am ugly.

After what felt like years, I told myself to suck it up. I stood up and washed my face with cool water so that my eyes look less puffy.. I walked out the door and sat back down at the table, the bitch finally left.. wow look at me talking like I'm his girlfriend.. “hey, why'd you go?” he asked looking at me finished with his meal.. “ I went to the toilet..” I replied. “oh okay” he said.. “is there something wrong?” he asked looking at me with a curious look on his face.. “no, nothing's wrong.” I said continuing to eat my salad.. “salad? Thought you said you wanted a burger?” he asked.. “i'm on a diet” I answered.. “why?” he asked.. “ok, enough with the questions please, and can't you see I weigh 500 pounds” I said chewing my vegetables like a fucking goat. “Zena, you don't have to lose weight I think you're fine” he told me softly..

“yeah sure” I said eating my salad.. “why'd you suddenly become so... you know” he asked with a tone in his voice.. “bitchy? Is that the word?” I asked with no tone.. “it's just girl issues, you won't understand” I said. “i will, if you tell me what's the problem.” he replied back.. “i told you, I do not have a problem” I said with an annoyed tone in my voice.. “Doesn't look like it, come on tell me” he said grabbing my hand.. “mood swings” I said taking my hand away.. “monthly gift?” he asked chuckling.. “yeah.” I said, its a good thing he bought that lame excuse.. “ok” he said snikering.. I just laughed along to cover up my lie..


Questions :)

1) is it getting boring? be honest.

2) any ideas for the next chapters?

3) do you think Justin is losing interest in Zena? :O

haha! leave your answers in the coments please :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2012 ⏰

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