Chapter 8 - SHOPPING!

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Zena’s POV <3

Yesterday was awesome. I had a great time with Chaz and Ryan. And now here I am just pigging out on the couch watching rat race, this movie never gets old. Its about 2:30 pm right now and I still haven’t showered.. yes I’m that lazy. I heard the door knock, I stood up and opened the door to find Justin standing in front of me grinning.. “well, someone was too lazy to clean up” he said messing up my hair and walking into my house.  “So what do you wanna do today” justin asked sitting down on my couch eating MY popcorn..

“I don’t know, and hey that’s mine” I said grabbing it from him.  “back to my question” he said stealing some popcorn from the bowl grinning.. “what do you wanna do?” he asked. “anything you want” I replied not even concentrating on what he’s saying.. “ c’mon, I don’t wanna be sitting here all day watching television, think of something” he whined. “okay, okay.. what about shopping?, my bff is outta town and I have no one to go with but you” I said annoyed at his whining..

 “okay” he said getting up and struggling to pull me up from the couch but fails miserably cuz I wasn’t trying and im..well.. fat. “c’mon get up!” he said still trying and finally pulled me out of the couch and on the floor.. “okay, lemme just shower and change” I said standing up and running up stairs. I showered blow dried my hair, put it in a ponytail and topped my head with a beanie  and put on this.. ( yepp I was wearing all blue.. just felt like it.. I headed downstairs grabbed my satchel and headed out the door waiting for justin to come.. “leggo” he said unlocking the car.

 I sat in the passenger’s seat and turned on the radio and we were off to the mall. “I have never shopped with a guy before”I admitted looking out the window. “well, then be happy you are gonna shop with the hottest guy in earth” he said popping his collar. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled. After a few minutes we reached the mall.  “where to?” I asked going inside the mall him trailing behind me. “anywhere, I really don’t know about what girls shop for” he answered chuckling.

The first store I saw was forever 21, but then again.. nothing would fit me ijm a fat ass pig.. I just stared the store thinking about how I wished I was skinny. I think Justin noticed I was staring at the store so he just pulled me in there. “ ok start doing your girly shopping “ he said looking around. “okay”. First thing I saw was a cute purple hoodie.  I quickly grabbed the last one just incase, yes I’m weird.

Justin was just behind me like a lost puppy. As we were walking around the huge store, I saw a beautiful dress that caught my eye ( once again I was just staring, justin walked over to it and handed it to me smiling “what? Cant walk and grab it? Its just in front of you” he chuckled.. “justin please put it back” I said handing it to him.. “why? Try it on..” he said looking confused. “just put it back” I said.. “no try it on” he said giving it back to me.. “fine” I said walking over to where it was and putting it back.. “Zena whats the problem? Just try it on” he said getting it again.. “fine, I’ll do it” I said annoyed at how he’s forcing me.

 I grabbed the dress from him and went in the dressing room, I stripped to my underwear and put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror and nearly broke into tears, but I held it in. I could never loose weight, believe me I tried hard. I feel like a monster cursed with this body. I turned around to see myself from the back, lifted the skirt up just to see and saw stretch marks behind my knees, it was very ugly looking. I checked my hips and saw some more there.. checked my arms, there! My body is so ugly and fucked up, I hate it.

The dress fit me, since it was the biggest size I turned around to look at the dress again. And decided it would look good with the jean jacket and heels I got.. I tried it and it looked ok. I had curves but was very fat, I was not yet satisfied with what I saw.. “Zena? Are you done?” justin asked from out the door..  “umm” I just hummed.. “c’mon let me see” he said.. I was very nervous at what he would see. I opened the door to see him sitting in a chair, his face brightened up with a grin when he saw me.

Was I really that funny looking that he had to grin like that. “I look horrible justin, I wont get the dress just the heels and jacket” I said about to turn around. “no, you look good” he said standing up and turning me around. “ Stop trying to make me feel better, you know im  not you honestly do” I said getting annoyed about him lying. Why does he have to do that. “no, really you  do.. Whats wrong Zena, why are you so worried about it? “ he asked concerned. “its nothing” I said looking down.. “no tell me” he said lifting my chin up, and looking directly on my eyes, which were stinging a little.

“It’s because my body, look at it, I have stretch marks and fat everywhere, I feel like a monster  and because of that no one will ever like me, the only ones who care about me are you ,my family and  bestfreind amie.” I said letting it all my feelings out. “no one will ever like me, all the boys are only going for the beautiful skinny girls, and me, im just, this” I said gesturing at my body and face.

Justin’s POV <3

“no one will ever like me, all the boys are only going for the beautiful skinny girls, and me, im just, this” she said gesturing at her body and face.. “shh” I hushed her and just hugged her. “you are not a monster, in fact you are very beautiful and I really think your body is not bad I mean look at you, you have the perfect curves” I said trying to brighten up her mode, but everything I said was true. “and I’m sure someone out there will love you” I whispered in her ear.. though I know that I already am slowly falling for her, but I wouldn’t ever admit that, I would never want to lose our friendship. “thanks justin but you know it isn’t true” she said pulling away from the hug.. “ it is true, I sware” I said lightly kissing her cheek. “I think you’re beautiful, just being you” I said. “ok” she said..

She went back in the dressing room and after a while headed back out and smiled that cute smile of hers.. She says she’s ugly? Really? Doesn’t she own a mirror, look at her shes beautiful. So we payed for the clothes and started walking towards god knows where.. “where we going” I asked.. “ I don’t know..” she replied.. “foodcourt?” she asked.. I smiled and said “ yep”.

We reached the food court and I offered to order McDonalds.. “which on do you want” I asked putting the bags on the chair.. waiting for her answer.. “mcRoyale pls” she said smiling.. “okay ill be back in 5” I said.. I ordered our food and walked back to her. We were probably the only teenagers here, the rest are oldies so no one noticed I as here. It was nice. We had some small talk while we were eating, there was some silence so I decided to brake it by throwing a fry with ketchup at her.. she lightly gasped and threw a fry with ketchup  at me too.. we threw at least 20 fried at each other and our faces were covered in ketchup.. She stuck a tissue at my face and I did the same.. We just laughed and cleaned up, we looked around and everyone was looking at us strangely.. oopsies.

WE went around the mall for a while and headed home and said our goodbyes and our kissy cheeks gesture, even If it was just a friendly gesture, I still liked it. I didn’t notice that it was 6:00 pm already. But who cares we had a good time like always.. I started thinking about the fun we had today, and was very happy I found someone who understands my weirdness, and was glad it was her, then I knew that I was falling for her. . hard.

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