Chapter 7 - Meeting Ryan and Chaz.Dares.

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 Justin’s POV

I’ve been awake since 9:00 am and I have nothing to do.. so I was tweeting my fans. After about 30 minutes of tweeting and RTing. I thought of what I could do today, and thought of going over to ryan’s. While I was showering, I was wondering if I could introduce them to Zena. They wouldlove her, and get a long well..

After I threw on a black v neck and some basketball shorts I called Zena.. “hello” a bored Zena answered.. “hey.. can you come over? i wanna take you somewhere”I said. “ finally, something to do. lemme get ready, be there in 10” she chirped. I called ryan and he said we can.

Can’t wait to introduce her to them..after a while I heard the doorbell ring and I ran down the stairs and said “hey! Follow me” I said,with her trailing behind. “nice car” she said getting in the black Ferrari . “I know” I said playfully winking at her. She just laughed and we were off.. “where we going?” she asked confused.. “to my bestfriend’s house.. Ryan Butler ..and Chaz will be there too” I answered, eyes on the road. “ohh I know them” she said smiling..

“but we’re not close” she said looking out the window.. “its fine, we’ll have fun” I said looking at her for a second.. She was wearing a shirt and jeans.. no makeup but still beautiful.. I hated girls who puts tons of make up on their face.. anyway we reached ryan’s house and we were at their front step  of his house and I rang the doorbell.  To see him smiling at us..

Zena’s POV <3

We reached ryan’s house and we were at their front step  of his house and justin rang the doorbell.  To see him smiling at us..  “Hey!” he said giving justin a bro hug.. and opening his arms wide for me to hug him.. wow they hug a lot.. “hi” I said smiling.. “long time no see Zena” he said letting us in.. “same :)”I replied.. “hey ryan who is it?” someone  asked loudly walking in with his mouth stuffed with chips.. he chewed them all and said “hey Zena..” nodding towards me.. “hi” I said shyly.. we went to the living room.. “so tell me about yourself Zena” ryan said.. Before I could speak chaz butted in and said “ugh come on lets skip the introducing shit and we’re bestfriends” he said plopping beside me and putting his arm around me  and side hugging me with a goofy grin on his face. “okay then” I laughed at his personality, I like it.. “where’s the toilet?” I asked. “upstairs, third door to the right”ryan said. “kay” I said heading upstairs.. I went in the toilet and closed the door. I checked my knee and saw that it was still purple but it wasn’t that pain unless you touch it.. I looked at myself at the mirror, and saw myself, for the first time ever I didn’t blame my fat, I wasn’t happy with it but I wasn’t mad.. I think I gained wait my arms look chunkier than before, oh well. Whatever, I have friends and people who love me and that’s all I need. I went back downstairs and into the living room.

Justin’s POV <3

We were currently starting our game of Wii Mario kart. Zena walked in and seemed happy. She plopped down on the couch beside chaz and me and ryan started the game..  I beat ryan for like the 5th time and i started getting bored do I turned around to see Zeny and Chaz chatting away.. He can be a girl sometimes.. “you guys are finally done” I said laughing at justin.. ‘’ yah it was real easy beating ryan a 100 times” i said..she just tsked. “is that a challenge?” I asked smirking.

“uh-huh” she said getting up and getting the controller from ryan laughing.. “GO ZENA!” chaz shouted.. “I thought you were in my side?” I looked at chaz.. “nah, zena’s more nice” he said sticking his tongue out like a kid.. We started the game.. and holy crap she’s beating me! I tried catching up but she was too fast.. “Yeah! Zena! “ chaz and ryan cheered. “shut up guys” I said seriously. My competitive side was out.. She won.. “shit” I mumbled plopping on the couch.. and Zena doing a victory dance.. “ok, ok you win” I said as I was looking at her.. “mmhmm” she hummed sitting beside me. “now what?” chaz said sitting beside her. I don’t know why I was so pissed.

Zena’s POV <3

“ Mmhmm” I hummed sitting beside justin..  “now what?” chaz said sitting beside me, putting his arm around me.. “wow, you are touchy” I chuckled, removing his arm around me.. “yah I am” he playfully winked.. “back to his question now what?” ryan asked.. “maybe we could dare each other, not truth or dare.. just dare” justin suggested.. “yah sure” we said. We formed a circle on the ground, a bottle in the middle. I spinned the bottle and pointed at chaz.. “so chaz will dare.. “ we spun the bottle again and it landed on justin “chaz will dare justin” ryan said.. “oh we didn’t know that” justin rolled his eyes chuckling.

“ok I dare you to…. Drink a mixture me, zena and ryan will make.. you can watch us mix shit together” chaz laughed.. “accepted” justin said confidently.. We all went to the kitchen and grabbed the blender, opened the fridge and grabbed what we saw.. “ahaha this is gonna be good” I laughed.. We were giggling throwing random stuff in the blender.. like eggs, broccoli, strawberries, cereal, green vegetables, flour, salt, a cup of vinegar, chili, dark coffee, and we even put a can of tuna!  We were snickering the whole way watching justin’s disgusted face.. 

“and now the last touch” chaz patted my back.. “huh?” I asked confused.. “do this” he said.. spitting into the blender, then ryan did, then it was my turn and I spat in it.. “look at justin’s face price less” ryan laughed , we mixed it in the blender and it was time. Ryan patted justin’s back.. “go on,  drink it” ryan said. “ok” still with a disgusted look on his face.. he brought it to his lips.. and we chanted chug chug chug chug!” .. he drank halfway, but spit some in the sink..  “chaz when its ur turn you’ll pay.. “.. So we did some dares but the main highlights were.. melicking the wall, ryan running the whole street in his boxers only, chaz licking the toilet seat 5 times and justin drinking shit.. it was fun.. but we had to go.. “bye chazzy , ryan” I said hugging them both.. Justin drived me home and we hugged each other goodbye, and kisses on the cheek, I went in my room and flopped happily in my bed. I had a good time..

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