A New home or a new hell.

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(This is a completely remade version of my very first fanfic that I made on quotev and it goes off of the end of mega dimension neptunia ((I mean heart dimension neptunia)) So If you read the original on quotev you will notice a large difference, I was only 13 when I made that one and I never put one thought into it. This one however will be better anyway here we go.)
Vexon pov]
Darkness. That's all I could see for the longest time before a bright flash of light blinded me and I saw a world with burning buildings and ruble not to far below me. I mange to fix myself and land on my feet creating a small crater. I begin to walk around examining my surroundings, where ever I am this place got rekt. I look up and see the sky has large cracks in it that seem to go all the way down to where the land meets the sky. The buildings were trashed and some even had fire burning brightly in them. The sound of claws and other strange noises filled the void of despair around me. I turn around to see a few monsters behind me, some with claws, others with wings, and the occasional machine. A loud rumbling filled the air and me and the creatures look up to see a giant airship flying through the sky, any monster that could fly grabbed the ones that couldn't and they made there way to the air ship. I teleport between them and the ship making them stop, but instead of fighting me they tried going around me as though I was just an obstacle in there way that they could not destroy. I teleport onto the ship and charge a large blue ki sphere in my right hand and send it at the monsters.
Neptune Pov]
Affimojas:"There's a huge energy spike and it's... on my ship?!" Suddenly a large explosion is heard behind us and the ship jerks around a bit. "Goddess, can you please see what's causing this?"
Neptune:"You got it! Cmon guys let's see what's going on."
Vexon pov]
I send ki blast after ki blast at the creatures and manage to get rid of them, but since the ship is so slow, so I decided to give it a little boost. I put my hands to the side and form to ki spheres in my hands then put them in front of me then to my side.
Vexon:"Final Kamehame..."
Neptune pov]
We managed to get to the top of the ship and just as we open the door we hear yelling.
???:"Final Kamehameha!" To express the sound that was made well it was just pure ear rape to say the least. The ship launched forward with a great amount of force.
Noire:"We need to stop whatever's causing this.
Vexon pov]
I stop firing the blast only to hear the sound of claws and metal hitting the ship behind me. I backflip over the monsters and get into my fighting position.
Vexon:"Let's do this." I say as I go into my sagss form. "I call this super sayian violet. But I doubt you can understand me so... whatever."

(It's pretty much Vexon with purple hair, eyes his skin is the same pale it's always been

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(It's pretty much Vexon with purple hair, eyes his skin is the same pale it's always been. Sorry if it's shit I use Snapchat to do this kind of stuff)
I fly through the creatures with ease killing them instantly. "Hm. Too easy."
???:"That was awesome!" I look to my right and see a bunch of girls looking at me. All of them ranging from short to tall and small chest to large. I go back to my base form and start to fly into the air to see if there were anymore monsters coming I only saw one but it was a good distance away, I charged a small ki blast in my hand and left it hovering in the sky as I went back down to the girls.
???:"Who do you think you are?" The one with long black hair in twin tails says.
Vexon:"Easy, ima god." Everyone just looks at me funny then starts laughing.
???:"Buddy your no god if you were then we would of heard about you."
Vexon:"Says the kid." I say before turning around and walking back to the end of the ship.
???:"Hey that's not nice!"
???:"Say sorry to Neptune ."
Vexon:"Why should I, after all if it weren't for me you would have been borded by those things."
???:"Why you..."
???:"No Blanc, let's let that handle him." She points in my direction and I immediately know what she's talking about. The monster behind me slashes at me but I don't move and simply block the attack with my shoulder.
All girls:"What the!?" I take a few steps forward and turn to the beast.
Vexon:"Hm that all you got?"
Neptune pov]
This guy is amazing, he took that attack from the monster and took no damage at all what kind of plot armor does he have!?
Blanc:"Please Tell me I'm not the only one who saw that.
Blue haired guy:"Just wait there's more!" He dodges another attack from the monster and stands with his arms to his side looking like he's focused on something. A large gust of wind starts to push us and the monster back a little bit and a bright light fills everyone's vision.
Guy:"Behold the first of many transformations. And the best part is... I'm not even in my god forms." Everyones jaw dropped at what we just saw Vert was admiring his form, while Blanc and Noire were a little freaked out about what he said, all I could focus on was the fight, along with the fact his hair became golden.
Guy:"But this is all you'll see beast." He puts one of his hands into the air and a large blue ball appears above him. He moves his other hand a little bit and the monster loses a chunk of his health and before anyone knew what was going on the monster died. "Do you believe me now?" He says as his hair returns to its blue color.
Blanc:"Just what the hell are you."
{Everything goes black}
Vexon:" My name is Vexon Andreas. And I am a sayian."

A/n:OMG it feels so good to do this series again anyway hope you enjoyed. I'll see you all next time.

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