One with a god the other with goddesses.

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Vexon pov]
Vexon:"So let me get this straight, You four are goddesses, in a dimension that's been analy fucked, trying to save it cause it's your friends home."
Neptune:"Yep you hit that nail right on the head."
Vexon:"Not to be mister negative or anything but that's stupid."
Noire:"How is it stupid, we're doing a noble deed."
Vexon:"It's stupid cause even if this world were to end up fixed and put back together it would get destroyed again by a new threat most likely one stronger and definitely more deadly then what your facing now, most likely able to blow up an entire world with a single ki blast." I said as I form a bright yellow ki ball in my hand before letting it dissipate into the air around us.
Blanc:"So how are you able to transform, since your not even from our universe or whatever you want to call it?"
Vexon:"I'm pretty much my own energy source that's how I get my power, but in order for me to transform I need to combine my power with anger, which is the trigger for all my transformations."
Very:"Ok. Now tell us this is there anyone else in your world as ripped as you?" She said very seductively. I simply looked at her.
Vexon:"Yes But there either too young or are married." She looks down in defeat before looking back up at me trying to get me to look at her tits by puffing them out. "Really, you think that's going to work."
Vexon:"No matter how hard you try I'm not going to look, saiyan's are warriors not pervs." She finally gives up and starts to leave the room before something shakes the ship, when I search for an energy signature I find one, one very happy go lucky like along with some of the energy from the monsters earlier.
Noire:"What's going on!"
Vexon:"The creatures from before are attacking."
Blanc:"Then we need to get over there fast." I find the good energy signature and stick my and out to the others with the other only a inch away from my face. Everyone looks at me before Neptune gives me a high five.
Vexon:"I meant grab my hand."
Neptune:"I thought you said you weren't a perv."
Vexon:"I'm not, it's a technic I know that allows me to teleport by focusing on an energy."
Blanc:"I think someone got hit in the head one too many times."
Very:"Don't worry Vexy I'll nurse you back to health." I honestly wanted to ki blast them right then and there but I regained my composure and cooled down a bit.
Vexon:"K then I'll see you at the fight, and never call me that again." I finish before disappearing in front of there very eyes.
Neptune:"How does he do that!?"
Now at the fight]
I appeared next to a girl with orange hair in a white and orange skintight outfit using a megaphone as a weapon.

 Neptune:"How does he do that!?" Now at the fight]I appeared next to a girl with orange hair in a white and orange skintight outfit using a megaphone as a weapon

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She was actually doing pretty well against the monsters but one of them was sneaking up behind her. I flue right behind her and kicked it away just as it was about to strike. She blasted the others away before turning towards me only to stare at me in awe almost like Vert did.
Vexon:"Hey! Less starring!" I charge up a blue ball of energy in my hand then send it at the beasts. "More monster slaying!" I say flying off into the hoard of monsters before her, unlike the ones from before, these ones were much stronger and actually started to scratch me up a bit. I was eventually pushed into a  wall and was about to get scratched again, till the girl from before killed them by yelling into her megaphone. I pushed off the wall and looked at the last monster who had just entered the room by the looks of it, it was a boss. I look over to the girl and see that she's badly beaten and is about to collapse. The monster sees this and begins to charge at her but I stand in front of her and hold it back with one hand. The beast keeps trying to push me back but I just hold it there as I look back to the girl. "Are you ok?" She just nods starring at me in shock and amusement seeing me to be toying with the beast only making it madder. "I suggest you move." She scoots herself over to the wall and I begin to look back at the beast giving it's all to try and knock me down. I kick it onto its hind legs then begin to punch it in its lower jaw till it breaks into a bloody mess on the ground. "Let this be a lesson to you and all your allies." I say as I grab one of its legs and spin it around with no effort at all. "And never come back!" I yell as I let go of the monster sending it flying out of the ship and onto the ground below.
Neptune:"Holy shit he actually beat the monsters and beat ya here!"
Blanc:"If this keeps up we won't be able to earn anymore shares."
Vexon:"That's What happens when you got a born warrior with you." I say to them before looking to the orange haired girl just to see her transform into a red haired girl with a lab coat and a skirt.

" I say to them before looking to the orange haired girl just to see her transform into a red haired girl with a lab coat and a skirt

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Neptune:"Uzume are you ok?" She said as she ran over to her friend.
Uzume:"Yeah I'm fine, just a little exhausted, if it weren't for him I probably would have been beaten and killed or worse, lewded." I just face palm before turning towards the others and beginning to walk towards them.
Vert:"Actually Uzume." She points at her. Uzume looks down and sees her skirt is flipped up a bit exposing her panties. "And I think someone likes what he saw." She said pointing at me.
Vexon:"Saw What? All I saw was you being a perv." Everyone chuckles a little at what I said. "Now back to business. Is there a training room on this ship?"
Neptune:"Um yeah why?"
Vexon:"Really Your asking a warrior why he wants to train." I say to he over my shoulder. Uzume walks up to me after fixing herself.
Uzume:"If you want I could show you the way."
Vexon:"Sure." I sense one more monsters ki starting to climb into the room we were in. "One second." I disappear and reappear in front of the monster with my fist engulfed in blue energy. I punch the monster in the stomach staggering it and I  quickly jump up into the air and charge a ki blast in my hand before firing it at the monster sending it flying to the ground. Before anyone says anything I appear at the door and signal for Uzume to lead me to the training room. The walk was rather boring neither of us said anything to the other for awhile. Then Uzume finally gathered some courage.
Uzume:"So my name is Uzume tenoboshii pretty badass right, anyway what's yours?"
Vexon:"Vexon, Vexon Andreas."
Uzume:"That's a... unique name, I've definitely never heard that one before."
Vexon:"That's cause your world doesn't have anyone like me."
Uzume:"Wait So your not from here?"
Vexon:"Correct I'm not from this world, however I am going to help you guys out with the monsters around here."
Vexon:"Of course I am part of a warrior race after I all."
Uzume:"Cool so what do you plan on doing when all the monsters are beaten?"
Vexon:"I'll probably try to find a way back to my world if it's not blown up by then."
Uzume:"Blown up, Why would it be blown up?"
Vexon:"In the world I'm from there are some, very very evil people that want to destroy the world just cause my ancestors beat them in the past. Some of them are as strong as me, maybe even stronger." Her eyes go wide at what I tell her, suddenly she latches onto me in a tight embrace.
Uzume:"I'm sorry you have to go through that."
Vexon:"Eh could be worse." I Say patting her back she let's go and we finally arrive at the training room. "Thanks for leading me here Uzume, when your feeling better I could use a sparing partner." She blushes a bit from my offer.
Neptune:"She can spar with you, but only if we can to." Neptune says as her and the others come around the corner and see us.
Vexon:"Ok only means I have to actually try."
Noire:"Were not gonna make it easy on you."
Vexon:"Good I like a challenge."
(About 5 minuets later)
Vexon:"I want you to go all out."
Vexon:"Yeah, I've faught a god once before so what's taking on 5 goddesses."
Neptune:"Fine then we'll give you a challenge. Let's go Everyone." I get in my fighting stance preparing for everyone to attack me with all they got, it's been awhile since I spar'd last time was with lord Beerus, and I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter. Now I get to see if these girls live up to there goddess name.

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