Meeting the CPU candidates! Wait there your sisters?!

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Vexon pov]
Vexon:"Is that all you got how dare you call yourselves goddesses!" I yell at them as they are on the ground exausted from sparing.
Neptune:"Well hey *huff* were not *huff* used to fighting *huff* someone of your caliber." She says trying to get back up.
Vexon:" how about this if you all manage to land one hit each within a five minute time period you win."
Noire:"And if we lose?"
Vexon:"for the last time nothing I just want to fight is all see if I can't make you any stronger while improving myself at the same time." They all struggle to get up, using there weapons as crutches to help them walk. I roll my eyes a bit expecting them to pull out a healing item or something but I guess they didn't have any so I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a brown pouch containing the last of the senzu beans.
Blanc:"Wha- what's this?"
Vexon:"Senzu beans eat them, there practically a healing item." Everyone takes one and after eating them they get back up with ease as all there wounds are healed as well. "Now" I crack my knuckles and my neck one after another. " Why don't we start off round 2"
{meanwhile} Nepgear pov]
Uni:"So what do you think was that large explosion?"
Nepgear:"I'm not to sure I just hope our sisters have managed to stop whatever caused it."
Uni:"Well the explosions have stopped but affimojas says he's still detecting that energy from earlier."
Rom:"Do you think there ok?"
Ram:"Of course there ok, they are our sisters." We were walking through one of the hallways of the ship when we started hearing yelling along with low crashing sounds.
Uni:"What was that!?"
Nepgear:"I don't know, lets check it out." We run towards one of the doors just as it brakes off of its hinges with Vert in her CPU form.
Nepgear:"Whats going on?!"
Vert:"Oh nothing just a little fun." She says before flying back into the room only to get sent out again but this time with the others as well."
???:"Phew, that was actually entertaining. I thought it would be like fighting those monsters and if there's someone else who has your Guy's power then i might just have my work cut out for me." The four of us look over to the door and see a blue haired male barely taller then Vert. He has a few bruises on his face from the fight but nothing more. He wasn't looking at us which allowed us to have an advantage against him. We quickly go into our CPU form and draw our weapons finally drawing his attention.
???:"Oh hey didn't see you there."
Uni;"Who do you think you are?"
???:"Why you asking me, I mean come on your what 14 years old and holding a canon, so really I should be asking you that."
Uni:"Shut up!" She yells as she charges up a blast while holding the gun right to his face.
???:"Oh that's cute, you know I can do the same to you right, in fact look at my hand." He says while moving his eyes towards his right hand which is only a few inches away from Uni's stomach but what's strange Is the fact there's a small blue energy sphere in his hand. "Now its down to who can fire faster and which lands the fatal blow, will it be the teen with the giant canon or the warrior boy who can do this." He says before disappearing entirely.
Nepgear:"What the!?"
Rom and Ram:"Woah!"
Uni:"Where did he go!"
???:"Try looking behind you." We spin around seeing him now behind us with his hands in his pockets." You know as much as I do like fighting, im kinda tired so if its possible I would like to be able to rest."
Uni:"You can rest in hell for hurting our sisters!"
???:"Wait what?!" He yells honestly shocked. "What the hell Neptune why didn't you tell me you guys had sisters, now that I think about it you do look similar."
Neptune:"Hehe sorry Vex I kinda forgot while we were fighting."
Nepgear:"Wait, you know eachother?"
Vexon:"Yep, and the names Vexon Andreas. I was sparing with your sisters to see just how strong they really are."
Uni:"But what about them flying through the door!"
Vexon:"Oh that, well I threw Vert through it at first then I just dodged everyone afterwards."
Uni:"Bull shit." She says firing her charged up bullet at him. The bullet makes contact and creates a large explosion.
Nepgear:"Uni why did you do that?!"
Vexon:"Yeah Uni what the heck." We look at the explosion and once the smoke clears we see Vexon holding the bullet with only too fingers. "The least you could do is actually damage me."

A/n: what's up my friends im sorry about this being a short chapter I just wasn't really feeling it today so I kinda struggled here and there plus I just got dlc for megadimension so im going to be playing that a lot but anyways I wish you all a beautiful morning/afternoon/ night whatever time it is, whatever holiday it is and remember to stay badass, until next time.

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