Twisted minds. (Short)

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Neptune's pov]
Neptune:" So I've noticed how you look at Vexon, Noire, it's ok to tell us we're your friends."
Noire:"For the last time I don't have a crush on him!" Me and Noire were walking around the ship on our way to the infirmary to check on Vexon. We continued talking, Noire trying to change the subject and me just bugging her about it when we started to hear some yelling from the infirmary. When we got close enough we could see a dark purple glow from under the door.
Vexon:"GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU BITCH!" suddenly we heard a loud bang from inside, Noire opened the door with me behind her, when we looked inside we saw that everything was torn up and trashed the walls had holes in them the size of small engine, like what Iffy has on her bike, with blood on the floor and towards the center of the holes. We began to walk in when suddenly the bathroom sink was thrown into the wall shattering it on impact. We both readied our weapons as we began to make our way towards him. When we saw him, it was like something out of a horror game. His back was covered in cuts, blood, and large scars. His hair was covered in so much of his blood it became red, his arms were no exception, there was a steady stream of blood down each arm, the crimson red liquid had stained his pale skin and it drip off of his knuckles forming a pool of blood at his feet.
Neptune and Noire:"V-v-vexon?" He turned his head to us at a shocking speed that made it look like he was always facing us. Thats when we noticed his eyes they kept flashing from there solid blue to a dark purple his Aura shifting from its normal color to the purple. There was a large gash on his forehead that didn't look to go too deep, but the blood coming from it made me think otherwise, the blood leaking out every now and again splitting off into two streams once they reached his nose and going over his mouth. He had more cuts along his chest and stomach along with what appeared to be scalpel blades in his chest the blades being the only thing keeping him from losing more blood. We were about to put our weapons away when he suddenly yelled at the top of his lungs forcing us back along with every object around him. We managed to stop ourselves and dodge all of the remanents of the room, when we finally made it back Vexon was gone all that was left was the blood on the floor and his blazer that was practically torn to pieces.
Noire:"What just happened?" I was speechless he was never like this unless he had to take a fight seriously, then I remembered something I overheard a few days ago.
I was walking around searching for Vexon to try and level up my lily rank when i heard him talkkng to Uzume.
Vexon:"No one can know about this except us ok?"
Uzume:"Alright go on?" I then pressed myself against the wall to make sure I wasn't seen and listened to there conversation.
Vexon:"Remember how Kurume sent that dark energy blast at me to try and control me."
Uzume:"Yeah what about it?"
Vexon:"I think it's working, ever since that day I started to hear her voice and see her when I look in mirrors. You probably don't believe me but in any case if I try to hurt anyone, you might need to pull the plug."
Uzume:"What do you mean by that? Wait you don't?!"
Vexon:"Yeah i mean it, if shit hits the fan I need to be taken down, I'm to much for all of you to handle so you need to kill me ASAP."
Uzume:"No! I'm not doing that! You can't do that to us!"
Vexon:"Uzume this isn't a goddamn yes or no question this is a fucking command! This is so I don't hurt Neptune, Blanc, Noire, Everyone you included, your the one I trust the most you've dealt with similar scenario's before I can tell you have! This... This is just the best course of action incase things go wrong." Uzume starts to cry in the other room, with me following right behind. I quietly walk away making sure I don't make any noise before getting to a safe distance and crying into my sleeves.
{flashback end}
Noire:"Neptune? Yoohoo Zero dimension to Neptune hello?" I stand back up with Vexon's blazer in my hand, the blood from it soaking onto my skin as some of it dripps to the ground. "So what happened?" I turn away and head towards the door to meet with the others I was furious.
Neptune:"Kurume happened." I say putting his blazer over my parka loosly having it rest on my shoulders. "And she is going to pay."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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