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chapter nine: beating hearts and break ups

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chapter nine: beating hearts and break ups

SIMON'S FACE PALED in shock as he read the small, yellow sticky note. His mind frantically searched for an excuse, but he drew blank. There must be something he could say or do to prevent this exploding into a huge argument or fight.

"Well?" Lauren demanded.

"Lauren, believe me when I say I've never seen that note before." Simon told her. This was not a lie. He'd never seen that note before. "Someone must have taken my journal while I was at work to mess with me. I don't know, maybe they like me or something. It could be a prank, too. It's signed off with a D, probably David messing around while we were auditioning."

Simon winced, preparing for her reaction. She stood there, pondering for a few seconds. His heart was racing with adrenaline and pumping with blood. Lauren was the kind of person who would tell the press everything if this got out.

"Fine then," she said with a sour face, "call David and put him on speaker phone, and you can ask him if he put the note in there as a joke."


"Umm, well, he's probably busy, Lauren..." Simon hesitated.

"Fucking call him. Now." Lauren fumed.

David was sat snuggled up on his bed, a huge fluffy throw covering his body. Matt came walking into his room and sat cross legged on the blanket. David recalled a whole account of the last few days, his best friend resting his head in his hands and gaping in awe. He shared more with Matt than he did with Jimmy. They were closer, anyway. David's phone rang, Simon's caller ID appearing. Matt squealed for him to put it on speaker. He did so and then answered.

"Hey." David greeted.

"Uhh, hey David, I'm with Lauren and we think a note was left in my work journal while we were at auditions."

Matt's jaw dropped open and David paled white. "O-Oh." David said, trying to stop his voice from wavering in panic.

"Did you put it in as a, uhh, joke?"

Matt nodded vigorously at him, eyebrows knitted with worry and fear. David cleared his throat, before answering, "Yeah, sorry, me and Stephen did it, we thought it would be funny. Something to talk about on More Talent. Guess we weren't thinking. We didn't mean for it to cause any problems. I'm really sorry Simon but I'm in the middle of something with Matt right now and I need to go."

"No problem. Thanks for clearing that up. See you at auditions tomorrow... don't be late"

The dialling tone sounded and the pair let out a sigh of relief. David buried his face in his hands, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. That was close. He could only hope that his reason was believable. Grabbing his phone, he texted Stephen quickly,

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