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Previously on My Little Secret

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Previously on My Little Secret

"Because... Because I love you. I've loved you for five years. That's why I fucking care." David whispered angrily, walking out the office and slamming the door.

"I love you too." Simon whispered to himself. But at this point, David was out of earshot and would never know.

chapter ten: bartenders, books and bad weapons

DAVID GROANED AND rolled around in his empty bed. What had he done? Only an hour ago he'd told Simon Cowell that he'd loved him for five years. And then finished with him. Where the fuck was Matt when he needed him? Probably hooking up with someone, David thought, but this was ridiculous. He needed to see him right now. He needed advice.

When the door finally opened and slammed shut, David heart the padding of footsteps coming up the stairs. A red faced Matt panted in the doorway, a guilty look on his face.

"Where the fuck have you been?" The comedian exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

"Sorry, sorry," Matt winced, "my train got held up." The bald man had sweat trickling down his forehead. He'd clearly ran from the station to home, seeing as they were only ten minutes away. It wasn't worth getting a taxi. He glanced at David's tear stained face and puffy eyes, the mess of his hair and how he only wore Simon's Rolling Stones top with sweatpants, huddled under a blanket.

"I've really- I've really fucked it up, Matt." He managed to choke out, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them.

David watched as Matt's face fell. Simon must think he was a complete idiot. He was in love with the man he'd been having random hook ups with. They were just 'fuck buddies', as Jimmy had put it the night they got off their faces drunk. The night David had turned up with an awful hangover, yet still proceeded to kiss Simon and leave him speechless, standing aimlessly in the corridor.

It hurt to imagine what Simon was doing right now. Probably with Lauren. He'd chosen Lauren, hadn't he? Well he didn't say who he was choosing, but he said he couldn't leave her.

"What've you done, David?" Matt whispered, sitting at the foot of the bed, watching the man fall apart.

"I told him he had to choose either me or Lauren."

Matt gave him a confused look, before saying,
"That's a good thing! We agreed that you'd say that."

David buried his face in his hands as he rerun what had just happened in his head.
"Then I told him it was over."

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