The One Where Romeo Kisses Juliet

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I looked at Preston, running off, crying. What have I done? I ran after him. "Preston! Come back!"  I followed him into his tent, opening the tent and walking in. "What do you want, Max?" He was crying over his script! Shit! "I didn't mean to hurt you- I.." I sat beside him. "Get away from me! How can you 'not mean' to mess up my play? You.." He pushed me away from him, yelling. I sighed. "I mean it.. I can help you do another one, if you want." I looked at him with willing eyes, and picked up a piece of paper. "Draft 10." He whispered, pointing to the paper. "The one where Romeo kisses Juliet." I nodded. "If you really want to help, go ahead.." Preston said, setting down the paper. "I do.. Just, don't think too deep into this. Okay?" I scowled, standing up. "See you tomorrow." "Bye, Max."


"So what I was thinking, is that we do the original play." Preston said, writing down notes. I nodded. "Classics always win the hearts of the audience.." I acknowledged, looking at the notepad.

'*Write a poem about Max.'

"What?" I laughed.
"That was nothing!" He yelped, scribbling it out.

Learning to Like You - a Maxpres Camp Camp fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now