Don't worry about me.

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My head hurt. It felt like a truck had hit me really hard.
"Max? Are you awake? Are you okay? Please wake up.." I heard someone's voice. It sounded stressed out.
I groaned. I couldn't speak, even if I tried. I felt someone's hand grip mine. Preston.
"Buddy? Can you hear us?" I heard David, too. I could recognize that idiot's voice anywhere.
I groaned even harder.
"Man, Nerf really hit him." Ered said, sighing.
I opened my eyes slowly. I could see Preston with tears in his eyes and David was just as bad.
"Pr-Preston.." I groaned, putting my hand where it hurt really badly.
"Right- the icepack." Preston rushed to the First Aid kid. I felt an icepack on my head. It felt a little bit better.
"Okay campers, go back to your tents! Preston, Neil and Nikki and I have this." I heard whispers from outside the tent.
I closed my eyes again. Too much work. Dammit, i'm going to kill that Nerf bitch.
"He'll be okay, just let him rest." David whispered. "And try not to yell." He walked out, too.
I whined.
Preston tightened his grip on my hand. "You're okay. Just go to sleep.." His warm kiss on my forehead made me all warm.


I opened my eyes and got up. Preston was writing stuff down on his notebook.
"You're awake.. Do you feel any better?" Preston asked me, putting his hand on my forehead.
"Yeah, I'm fine.. It's just my head really hurts." I rubbed my eyes.
"Everyone is in the mess hall. I wanted to stay here with you."
"That's um, really nice of you." I looked down at the notepad he was writing on. "What are you writing?" I asked him.
"My next show. Wanna read it so far?" He questioned, but I shook my head. I had no energy.
I layed my head back on the hammock.
"You need sleep. Don't worry about me.." He said, kissing my forehead, again.

Learning to Like You - a Maxpres Camp Camp fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now