The Poem

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"So what I was also thinking is that Romeo would.." Preston thought, writing down notes.
"Preston, I want to see the fucking poem." I blurted out, interupting him.
"You.. you what?" He stopped writing and looked at me.
"The Max Poem." I grabbed the Notepad and flipped a page.

"Black hair darker than his soul,
True emotions hidden in the bowl
He cares for others, I can see
I just want him to smile with glee."

I smiled. I couldn't help myself. Preston knew.
"I'm sorry, it's so cheesy." He chuckled.
"No, it's beautiful."
"Just like you when you smile?" He teased, taking the notepad from me.
"Fuck off.." I laughed.

"So about Romeo.." He started again."He could be gay."
"Even better." I admitted.

Learning to Like You - a Maxpres Camp Camp fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now