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As Muslims are required to start their daily doings with Bismallah, I should start this book with,

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Bismallah Alrahman Alrahim
In the name of God, the most compassionate and merciful.

Then, I would like to be clear about the content in this book is definitely not written by me. I don't claim writing any of the content inside. They are articles I thought about sharing with you guys for educational and guidance aims. I am not a scholar but I wish i can be one day. So I spend much time searching and reading about Islam and religions. And yes, I am a Muslim Alhamdulilallah

"Please keep in mind that Quran was sent 1400+ years ago, and there was no editorial process involved as Prophet Muhammad pbuh couldn't read or write, so once he (pbuh) revealed Quran he (pbuh) couldn't re edit it or change it later on as that would have caused a huge uproar." —Digital Islamic Reminder

Immortal (adjective) An immortal being, especially a God.


Every information in this book has been copied from trustworthy islamic sources which offer the perfect explanation of these Islamic topics. Doubtlessly, I can't mention all of the scientifical, historical and the other miraculous facts mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago, so forgive me. It's all copied but I'll try to do my best with referring you to my sources for showing respect to the copy right policies and for the sake of authenticity.

May Allah bless you all and help us reach the highest level of embracing the useful knowledge and the true enlightenment that the prophet Muhammad PBUH was gifted with. May Allah guide us all to the straight path. AMIN!


Rules and reading Guidelines:

1) This book was published for educational reasons and means. I have rules here, cursing and hate speech are unacceptable, I'll instantly DELETE your comment then REPORT you for spreading hate and being mean. Please, be respectful and open-minded.

2) This Book is for those who seek some enlightenment and wants to learn more about the scripture that Muslims around the globe devote their lives to. If you are here to start useless arguments, well this place is not for you.

2) If you have any question concerning Islam generally or a special Islamic aspect, feel free to comment your inquiries politely in the comments section and I will be more than happy to help you with it. Let's make it an open discussion where our sisters and brothers in Islam can join and offer their help. 

P.S. (Postscript)

This book will always be uncompleted. The miracles of the Qur'an are uncountable, and in no mean we claim that this GREAT SCRIPTURE carries of about thirty, fifty or thousands miracles and that's it. The study of it is still on going by many scholars around the globe and many people are experiencing the greatness of it on daily basis. It makes me speechless to think we are still discovering new things are written between the lines that transcend the possible knowledge of such people existed 1400 years ago. Never in a million year can someone who was illiterate and born in ignorant environment could possibly invent it. Allah still brought the Quran in its poetic style to compete the Arabic poets who were superior in writing poetry at that time. Their language and personal lexicon were strong and perfect that made them sure that the verses of the Quran were impossible to be composed by man.

Allah subhanhu wa ta'la says referring to the Quran "We will show them Our signs in the universe, and within themselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?" [Quran, Fussilat: Verse 53]

First published 2017

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