Ten Reasons Muhammad have not authored the Qur'an. (part one)

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Ten Reasons Muhammad have not authored the Qur'an. (Part one)

Notice that : The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was illiterate and Allah chose him (as one of the reason) for sending his message to mankind for being illiterate to be as strong plea upon the people of Quraish who accused the prophet of authoring the Qur'an by himself. Allah know that the people of Quraish and Arabs were very good in literature and they would defiantly recognize that the Qur'an can't be authorised by a human being and they knew Muhammad very well and he was known as being honest and trustworthy man and they knew about him being illiterate so these facts revoked all their accusations. So Keep in mind that he was illiterate through reading this.

Site and resource : http://www.manyprophetsonemessage.com/2014/03/18/ten-reasons-muhammad-could-not-have-authored-the-quran/

A problem facing many Scriptures is multiple authorship over many generations. The Old Testament consists of 39 books authored by numerous individuals over a period of many centuries. The New Testament contains 27 books written by multiple authors spanning a period of nearly half a century. The questions and uncertainties that surround the chronology and authorship of the Bible, for example many of the books were written anonymously, only serve to hinder one from accepting, at least wholesale, that it is the pure word of God.

This is not a problem that affects the Qur'an. There is no doubt that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the person responsible for transmitting the Qur'an. There are mass historical reports that support this claim, and the Qur'an itself confirms that it was revealed to him. Although Muhammad was responsible for transmitting the Qur'an, was he its author? It will now be demonstrated that it is impossible for Muhammad to have been the author of the Qur'an:


Many non-Muslims are unaware that the Qur'an was not originally delivered to its first audience in the form of writing, but rather speech. Remarkably the Qur'an often did not have the opportunity for an editorial process, as many verses were revealed on the spot as a response to questions and challenges that were brought forward to Prophet Muhammad from both believers and non-believers. Moreover, although the Qur'an was revealed gradually over a period of 23 years, it did not go through multiple revisions as it was revealed. This is in contrast to the New Testament which has undergone numerous corrections as the manuscripts were passed from one scribe to another and they decided to correct each other's mistakes. So had any mistakes or errors crept into the Qur'an, it would have been extremely difficult to correct or retract them given the rapid and mass spread of the Qur'an to multiple tribes and countries.

In the face of all these obstacles, one would naturally expect the Qur'an to exhibit traits of incoherence, contradictions, redundancy, errors and other such issues. This couldn't be further from the truth, as the Qur'an is incontestably the standard of the Arabic tongue, a literary masterpiece. Every page of the Qur'an is literally filled with such rhetorical devices and literary nuances.

Prophet Muhammad could not read or write. The Qur'an itself confirms this:

"Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel..." [Chapter 7, verse 157]

Moreover throughout his life, prior to Prophethood, Muhammad did not have a reputation for poetry. In fact we know from history that at a personal level he disliked it and wasn't a skilled poet. There are instances where he attempted to relate some poetry and would jumble the words up [1]:

Qatadah narrated, Aisha was asked: Did the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, use to relate anything from poetry?" She said: It was most detestable thing to him except that (at times) he used to relate a verse from the person of Banu Qays and he jumbled it up. Abu Bakr told him it was not like that. So the Prophet of Allah said, "By Allah I am not a poet and neither is it appropriate for me."

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