the number 7 again!

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The Number Seven

( The Quran only has 114 chapters and only ONE chapter has the most number of 7 on it's chapter number, and that is chapter 77 )

1.    From the very start of the Quran till the very end of Chapter 77, there are exactly 777 verses that are divisible by the number 7. Therefore, we can also say that the 777th verse of the Quran that is divisible by the number 7, ends at Chapter 77. And thus the 778th verse that is divisible by the number 7, would have to start at Chapter 78 too! The FINAL word "seven" of the Quran itself can be found at Chapter 78, at Verse 12.

2. It also turns out that this 777th verse of the Quran, which is the last verse of chapter 77 that is divisible by number 7, is also the 49th verse of the chapter. So we can also say : "This verse 49 ( and 49 is 7 x 7 too ) of chapter 77 which is divisible by 7, is ALSO the 777th verse from the very start of the Quran that is divisible by 7."

3.    And this verse 49 of chapter 77, which is the 777th verse from the very start of the Quran that is divisible by 7, ......................and "49 OF 77" is also 49 X 77 equals to 3773. And 3773 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 11.............. Another triple 7!

Regarding the verse that contains the FINAL word "seven" of the Quran ( in Chapter 78, Verse 12 ) :

4.    This verse that contains the final word "seven" of the Quran also happens to be the 5684th verse from the very START of the Quran. ( 5684 = 7 x 7 x 116 )

5.    This verse that contains the final word "seven" of the Quran, is also the 553th verse from the END of the Quran. ( 553 = 7 x 79 )

6.    This verse that contains the final word "seven" of the Quran, is also the 5649th verse from the verse that contains the FIRST word "seven" of the Quran itself! ( 5649 = 7 x 807 )

7.    The first word "seven" of the Quran is found at Chapter 2 verse 29. And the last word "seven" of the Quran is found at chapter 78 verse 12. From the start of chapter 2 to the end of Chapter 78 too, the total number of their verses is divisible by 7. ( 5705 = 7 x 815 )

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