Shooting Stars Not Called Stars

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Shooting Stars Not Called Stars

Most Muslims know the Islamic purpose behind so-called shooting stars. These are used by the Angels to chase the Jinn who are trying to steal secrets from the heavens.

Now, there’s no way I can prove this scientifically, and that’s not my purpose. But I do want you to consider a few facts.

1.We all know that shooting stars are not really stars at all. They are really meteorites.

2. The ancient Arabs, like just about everyone else in the world at that time, really did think they were stars.

3. However, nowhere in the Quran does Allah refer to these “shooting stars” as stars!

If Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had made up the Quran from his head, he would have called shooting stars “stars” like everyone else did

After all, they certainly do look like stars. And everyone else around him were calling them stars.

But the Quran never refers to them as stars. Instead, Allah uses the phrase “lamps” or “flame.”
And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.

Chapter 72 Verse 9

And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with lamps and have made (from) them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.

Chapter 67 Verse 5

I believe this is another amazing fact that the Quran has right when the average human of the time would have made a mistake.

These miracles from the Quran should bolster your faith and strengthen your desire to please Allah. His Messenger (pbuh) has brought us the truth and we would be foolish to ignore these obvious facts.

Please share this article with as many people as you can, Muslim and non-Muslim. You never know who may read this and be guided to righteousness because of it. Sometimes small actions yield big results.

And Allah knows best.

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