Chapter 12: Survival of the Fittest

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I darted away from the Tardis just in case the Doctor and Clara were close by and could see me. I didn’t pay much attention to my surroundings, just enough to know that I was emerged in the thick entanglement of bushes and trees. It must be a forest of some sort. My sprint eventually subsided into a jog and then soon after that, a quick pace. The lungs swept into my lungs like they were starving, the air burnt my throat and chest as the heavy load of oxygen forced itself down my throat. I peered behind me to make sure no one had followed me. The only visible things in front of me were the trees and foliage. The Tardis was nowhere in sight. I must have ran pretty far, I haven’t even took a break for goodness knows how long.

My feet dragged themselves towards one of the trees where they collapsed beneath me. I pulled my bag from my shoulders and pulled out my water bottle taking large gulps as soon as the cap was off. I wiped away the water around my upper lip with the sleeve of my shirt, still breathless, and put the bottle back. I took advantage of this opportunity and gazed at my surroundings. The trees were magnificently beautiful, they were thin but stretched miles high, and you could barely see the top of some of them. The branches intertwined into each other and so it blocked off the sky, allowing only a few rays of the glittering sunlight to peer through. I could smell the soil underneath me, enveloping me in its aroma. The trees emitted their own unique scent, it was all very natural. The waft of polluted air and smoke, the smell of the city, and other people was but a distant memory.

The soil underneath me was hard and compressed. The grass couldn’t grow here and the tree had sucked up any remaining water which might have fallen. It was the perfect place to rest. There was many foliage around me as well, different shaped bushed, with an assortment of various shaped leaves on each bush, it was like they were showing off to each other to see who could have the greener, larger or most peculiar shaped leaves and shape. I was surrounded by browns, green’s, reds, oranges and the occasional shimmering rays of sunlight which protruded from the sky and into this magical sealed off world which I was now inside of.

As soon as my body was rested, I decided to try and find a place to stay. I remember watching a few survival documentaries on the television about how to survive in the wild. One of the first rules was to find shelter or make camp. Food would also be a major concern but if I find civilisation before I get hungry then I might be fine. I wasn’t too fond of everything of anything that might have a pulse like the Grill’s guy does. I didn’t really fancy eating eye ball or maggots for breakfast. I rummaged around the place to see if I could find any intelligent life. Or any life. Hmm. How odd. There wasn’t anything that resembled an animal in sight. After searching for over an hour I hadn’t come across any life as a matter of fact. I paused and decided to listen instead. There was nothing, no crawling, no birds tweeting, no bushes moving. The place was deserted, the only sound that was being produced in this place was the soft breathing of my lungs and the occasional breeze which shook the leaves ever so lightly.

This was strange. Where had the Doctor taken me? No. Stop. I refuse to think of the Doctor. He is nothing but a memory to me now. He doesn’t even deserve a thought after the way he treated me. I never want to see that man again… With this thought in mind, my feet marched on with a new found determination in each step. One step close in this direction was another step away from him.

The light began to wilt from the spaces in the trees. It was beginning to darken.

“How can there be no one here?” I asked myself hoping for a reply of someone, or something. By now my hopes of finding something remotely human or intelligent had faded. There wasn’t even any life forms at all for that matter.

The breeze began to pick up and decrease in temperature, my whole surface of my body was covered in small little goose bumps. Occasionally, a shiver convulsed through my body, quick and short. But as the time progressed the convulsions became more frequent. There wasn’t any caves, or huts. Nothing. I would have to make the shelter myself. And fast.

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