Chapter 2

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I headed down to the mess hall. The only seat left was beside the scary guy, Eric. He didn't even acknowledge my presence as I took a seat. I looked around with calculating eyes.

"Hey, you're Dauntless now. Stop analyzing everything," he snapped. I stuck my tongue out immaturely.

"Keep that up, Nose, and you'll become factionless."

"Really? That sounds so cool!" I said enthusiastically, standing up and fist pumping the air. All eyes turned to me.

"Did you hear that guys? Acting crazy causes you to go factionless!" Eric yanked me down. Four was stifling a grin behind his hand.

"What is wrong with you?" I shrugged and took another sip of my drink. I was bloody messed up and I had no idea why. Eric snatched the drink from my hand, sniffing it suspiciously. He sighed before setting it down.

"It's been drugged." I looked around until my eyes landed on a smirking guy who winked at me.

"My guess is he was hoping to get lucky," I said, pointing at him. Eric stood up, going over to the boy and grabbing him by the collar. I couldn't hear what they were saying but from the slow transition of smug to scared, it wasn't pleasant.

"I think that you should head back to your room," he said, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me. So it was more of an order than a suggestion. When I got to my room, he sauntered off without even an insult. My body felt like it was on fire but I climbed of my clothes and went to sleep without putting anything else on. Finally, after much fighting with myself, I fell asleep.


The next day, we started training for the fighting. First lesson was shooting. I was bad at that like I knew I was going to be.

"You are wasting my time!" Called out Eric after watching me fail miserably. I couldn't even hit the target. I grunted and tried again, reloading the gun. Before I took a shot, he put his hands on my hips, adjusting them forcefully. He brought my shoulders up.

"Now try it," he breathed into my ear, his hold not leaving my body. I did as I was told and fired. I didn't get the center but I had managed to hit one of the outside rings. I beamed up at him. If I didn't know any better, I would say that he had his lips curled up in an almost-smile.

"Now, just keep doing what I showed you," he said, removing his limbs from me. Where he was left tingles which surprised me even more than actually getting the bullet on the target.

Later that day, after lunch, we were to do cardio before going into any of the fighting training. I grew up Erudite. We were told to read books, not get down and give twenty.

"Come on, Nose!" Eric shouted at me when my elbows collapsed from under me.

"Shouldn't you be giving attention to the people you want to actually make it?" I asked bitterly. I knew Eric didn't want me here.

"It doesn't matter if I want you here or not. If you are Dauntless material, I want that brought out, hear me?" I nodded silently, pulling myself back up. I got back into a push up position. I felt a foot on my back and realized how harder he was going to make it for me.

"Start!" he barked and I followed. I continued doing pushups to his perfection until I thought I couldn't continue.

"Okay you can stop now." I rolled over onto my back, out of breath. He put out his hand. I stared at it, not sure if I should take it or not. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going to bite you." I finally took it and he pulled me up as if I was nothing.

"Thanks," I muttered, going to walk away from him. He grabbed my arm. I spun around in surprise.

"I think you are Dauntless material." With that, he walked away, leaving me in a puddle on the cracked cement.

***Sorry for the late update. The hotel that I stayed at had no wifi(can you believe that?!) and when I got back, I began vomitting with the blasted stomach flu and still if feeling like shit. I have a softball game tomorrow and a McDonald's interview as well so wish me luck:)***

✓ I Chose Dauntless ↠ Eric Coulter | Divergent | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now