Chapter Ten

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"Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll."

Happy reading!!

Chapter 10- I'm screwed.!!

   **Nolan's P.O.V**

"Talking about me sweetheart?" I chuckled. She remembered me. Okay, something is definitely wrong with me. I couldn't stop thinking about her, after our last night. Wow, that sounds really wrong.

I heard her groan mumbling something like Ugh, Not again. everyone around me gasped. She turned red when she realized she said that out loud. She composed herself. "I was joking about that stalker thing, you know that right?" She raised an eyebrow crossing her arms.

I scoffed. "Don't give yourself that much importance love."

Sweetheart?Love? Where did that come from?

"Yeah? Who could be more important than me? You don't count yourself do you?" She wiggled her eyebrows. My friends laughed while the girl beside her tugged her hands to stop, which she ignored.

A high pitched voice broke our glaring contest. "Oh honey, you came for me?"The blondie came to me kissing me fully on my lips, tongue involved. I would have taken on that opportunity if this blue eyed intriguing woman wasn't standing in front of me scrunching her cute button nose in an adorable manner.

I'm turning into a woman!!

I pushed her away and wiped my mouth disgusted. She pouted. "Well, wasn't this a couple made from heaven. You know I was just asking her to see you. You are so perfect together." She sighed dreamily making a heart shape in front of her chest. Blondie grinned not catching the sarcasm in her voice. Why was I with her again? Oh! yeah, she was good in bed. 

"We are not a couple," I said stiffly. "We are not?" yelled the blondie beside me.

"A couple of fucks doesn't make us a couple. You know what I'm like and what you are getting yourself into." I shrugged. She gasped beside me "B-but I thought I was special." Her voice broke.

"I never did anything to make you feel I wanted you any other way than getting my fucks. It's your fault to think otherwise Melissa." I know this is cruel but she did agree to no string attached rule and if she thinks I'll live with someone like her it's her own fault.


Everyone gasped while the club girl chuckled before covering it with coughs. I glowered at the blonde as she apologized furiously. "Go away from here before I do something that both, you and I will regret." She scurried away from there as fast as she could.

Everything was dead silent until the girl broke it. "Wow..!! That was quite a show. You deserved it though." I glared at her. She held her in surrender. "No need to kill me, dude. Geez, calm down...I was just saying."

"And why did I deserve that? for saying the truth.?" I scowled at her.

"No, I mean even if she was a bitch, that was a really bad way to end things, whatever you had, you were too cruel to her." She said.

"Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.. right?" I argued. 

"Right... but when you are living a comfortable delusion it isn't necessary to break the cruel truth in front of so many people who are ready to judge you even if you are not the wrong person, it leaves you vulnerable with a crushed self-confidence and heart, which hurts a million times more than the slap on your face." She said in an angry voice. I saw hurt flashes through her eyes before she covers it with a dazzling smile. "And it was worse when you said her name wrong." She laughed. It was a forced one "Man! I would have beaten the crap out of you if you had said my name wrong."

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