Chapter Forty-seven

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 "True love is not about the hugs and kisses, the 'I love you's' or the 'I miss you's', but about the chills that hit every part of your spine when you think about him."

Excuse my Mistakes!!

Happy Reading!!

**Aubree's POV**

She saved my life from that monster!

All these years I thought she was trying to make my life hell, whereas she saved me from getting myself into hell.

I blink rapidly to get rid of the tears. 

Holy freaking shit!! 

She went inside and came out with a box of tissue, passing it to me. 

"W-What happened?" I asked. She stared at me confused. "You know after I left. What did he do to you?"

Her hands clenched into a fist. "Like he did earlier, beat me into crap."

"B-But you were pregnant. How could he be so cruel and insensitive?" I almost yelled.

She shrugged meekly. "What happened next?" I asked.

"We got engaged." She mumbled. I stared at her blankly. "Well, after you left everyone was really angry with me, especially mom and dad were really disappointed and wouldn't talk to me at all. On the other hand, Nixon was going crazy over this baby and asked me to abort it. But I refused to do so, that follows more beating."

"B-but Nixon told me that it was your ex's baby what was all that about?" I retorted.

"Yes, Nixon told me that he would allow me to keep the baby only if I tell everybody that it was not his."

"Why? Why would he do that?" That twisted bastard!

"Sympathy and trust from everybody. He became the innocent victim of a cheating whore fiance and also the fact that he is willing to raise someone else child as his own made him a hero."

"That's insane! How can anyone believe that?"

"My reputation did him the favor." I opened my mouth to disagree but he cuts me to it. "No need, you know it too." Ya, she is right.

"But how can you live with that sick bastard for all these years? You could have just run away or... Or police, damn it, why didn't you inform the police about his drugs and abuse?"

She visibly stiffens. Her eyes pricked with tears again. "Umm..." She clears her throat. "H-He always kept me in house arrest. I... umm.. never g-got any chance to do that."

I stared at her skeptically. "D-Do you want more water?" She tried to avoid my gaze. "Or anything to eat? I know you are always hungry." She chuckled. Well, tried to. "I'll bring you something to eat." She stood up but I stopped her, she sat back.

"What happened?"

"Huh?" She tried to look confused but I can see the horror in her eyes. Something happened. I can bet on it. Something really bad happened. 

"Tell me." I get up from my seat and sit next to her. She was shivering. I rubbed her back while she broke down in my arms. I try everything to make her stop crying because I couldn't control my own tears. "You don't have to tell me if it hurts that much." I consoled her. After a while, she straightens up and glanced down at me. 

"Once he was out along with most of his guards for some of his deals," She started.  "It was perfect time for me to run away from him. But I also needed to clear my name and prove everyone that he was a bad guy. So I took some evidence that I've collected over months and got out of the house. I went to the police station and handed over the evidence to a police officer telling him everything I knew. He said he couldn't do anything directly as he was reputed and powerful in the area but he knows a person who could take some serious action. I was extremely happy and thanked the god that I would finally get rid of that monster."

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