Chapter Nine

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"I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes."

Enjoy Reading!!

Chapter 9- Ugh, Not again!

**Aubree's P.O.V**

Ok, I admit I made a wrong decision. I should have listened to the mind instead of my stomach.

Damn you! I glared at my stomach. Some people gave me weird looks while passing. Opps! I might have said it aloud. I smiled sheepishly at them.

We found love by Rihanna blasted through my phone, Noah, I grinned at my phone.

"You know how much I love you, Noah," I said picking up the phone. He chuckled. "What happened this time?" He asked. "Shopping happened" I replied.

 I heard Noah laughing."Aw.. I sorry Munchkin."He said not sounding sorry at all. I rolled my eyes. 

"Let me guess... she convinced you with food?" He guessed knowing exactly the reason. He knows me too well. "Free and unlimited." I provided. "Sounds tempting."He said laughing. 

"Exactly!!" I whined. "That's the only reason I'm here for nearly three..."I looked at my watch and groaned."...and half an hour." What's taking her so long!

"Woah! Now I really feel sorry" He sighed.This time actually sounding sorry. "You want to watch some Disney with pizza and coke tonight?" He asked. "Fries too. You are an angel Noah, have I told you how much I love you?" I let out an excited chuckle. He burst into an enormous belly laugh. "Yes, yes you did already. And I love you too, cupcake. Ok, I have to go now. Ciao!" 

"Don't forget the fries." I reminded him. "I wouldn't dare." He laughed before hanging up.

I grinned widely, before walking towards the changing. I knocked the door. "Are you dead in there D? Because I'll be if I didn't get food right now."I said knocking louder.

"This is the last shop Bree, then we can go." She said I can imagine her rolling eyes.

"Yeah? I'm hearing 'This is the last shop' from like last three shops." I glared at the closed door crossing my arms across my chest. "Can we go please I'm really hungry" I whined.

The door finally opened and D strolled out carrying four dresses in her hand. "Don't get your panties in twist Bree, I am almost done. Anyway didn't you eat just before we came to the mall?" She asked.

"Almost???" I screamed in her face. "And that was three hours and thirty minutes ago. Well, now forty." I answered glaring at my watch.

"Same thing." She said paying for her dresses.

"Not same. No more shopping. We are going now. Like right now." I said trying to get her away from all the shops. I tried. Oh boy! She is strong. I pulled her with all my strength but she didn't budge an inch.

"Oh god, I almost forgot, I need some new lingeries, let me just grab some really quick, I promise. Why don't you go and check out the shoe store, you wanted those new Nike sneakers, didn't you?" She asked. I thought for a moment. Well, I did want them.

I nodded."Ok, but I swear if you-" She didn't let me complete and dragged me to the nearest store. "Ok this is your stop, I'll be right there" She pointed to the store right in front of mine. with that, she ran away. Literally. I searched there for a while and went to another store. 

I started looking for my limited edition Nike Dunks. There... I saw my- Thud!

I heard a sound followed by a whimpering voice "I'm sorry mam, I didn't mean-" A sharp high-pitched voiced cut her off in the middle. "Mean to say it aloud?" I turned around to see a fake blond standing menacingly above a frightened teenage worker. "You low-class poor people, what would know about fashion? huh? Did I ask for your opinion about my dress?" she yells at her. Poor girl looked like she is ready to cry. "Wow! Look at you crying like a baby. So pathetic." she continued. 

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