Chapter Twenty Two

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"I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself."

Happy reading!!

Chapter 22- Bittersweet

    **Aubree's P.O.V**

"........he would come back to me but he never did."

I felt Nolan move I looked up to him staring at me with concern in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't know. Fuck!" He cursed ranking his hands through his hair. "We should probably go, I shouldn't have brought you here. It was my fault I'm so sorry" I kissed him in the corner of his mouth stopping him from ranting. He stilled.

"Don't be sorry,  yes this wasn't the place I was thinking of today. But truth to be told, there's no place better than this, to connect to my dad. So, thank you for bringing me here." I looked at him gratefully. He didn't say anything just looked me in eyes, there was something in his eyes that I couldn't pinpoint but it felt good. I averted my gaze from him and stared at the night sky full of stars. I lied back staring straight into the sky and patted the space beside me for Nolan to join. He lied with his arms tucked behind his head. We stayed silent enjoying the view and wind.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I heard him ask. "Hmmm.." I hummed in response.

"Um... Do you think he would like it if I go to see him? You know to the cemetery."I asked.

"Have you never been there?" I felt his eyes on me. I shrugged. "I never had the guts to see him. I mean why would he like to see the girl who was the reason he died. He must have hated me after that, you know. What if he now thinks I wasn't worth his sacrifice for. I cannot complain though, he would be right, I ain't worth losing his life for." 

Nolan sits up as I did too. "Don't you dare say that ever again Aubree, your father loved you enough to lose his life for, doesn't that mean anything to you? He spared his life for you because you are worth it and he knew it. You are worth everything, Aubree."

I shook my head. "No, Nolan, he must be so disappointed in me. He always used to tell me that I was his superwomen, his strong princess. BUt he was wrong. So wrong. I'm not strong if I was I would have saved him that day. He wouldn't be dead if I didn't force him that day. It was all my fault. He wouldn't have died if he saved his life first instead of mine. You have no idea how much I wish to change our places that day. I should be the one drowning instead of him, I should be the one dead-" before I could complete Nolan's lips were on mine. I stiffened at the sudden moment. He lips moved angrily over mine as one of his hand moved to the back of my neck holding it still and the other on my waist pulling me closer. 

"Kiss me." He growled tightening his hold. I nodded against his lips and responded quickly. It felt so good, it was way better than I ever imagined. His lips were so soft molding perfectly with mine. He turns his head to another side to get a better access into my mouth. My hands move behind his neck pulling him closer, if possible. Grabbing a fistful of his hairs I gave it a light tug earing a loud animalistic groan from him.

Because of my fucking need to breathe, we had to pull away. I wish we didn't need to breathe so that we could go on like this forever. He rests his forehead on mine rubbing my cheeks gently. "Don't you say or think like that ever again. Understand?"

"But-" He placed a finger on my lips stopping me. "You are the strongest and the most kind-hearted women I've ever met." He softly rubs my lower lips. "Every day you wake up through your worst nightmares despite that you manage to smile and laugh all through the day. You try to keep everyone happy even when you are hurting inside. You change peoples life's and still live oblivious to how amazing you are. I'm one of those people, shortcake. I was a machine before, always working without stopping. I was too arrogant and self-centered. I never smiled or thanked anybody, but look at me now. I fucking laugh and smile all the time. I apologize and thank people. I started spending more time with my family and enjoying my time with them, I started living after you came into my life." I stayed silent all through looking right into his eyes. He kissed me again at the end, it was just a small kiss but it managed to create a havoc inside my tummy. 

He wiped some of my tears smiling softly at me. My heart started beating so fast I felt like it would rip out of my rib cage any minute now, yet I was feeling so content and happy, I couldn't explain the way I 'm feeling right now. I cannot thank him enough for everything he did for me today. I'd no idea of how to repay him. So I did the one thing I could, I grabbed him by his collar and kissed him hard on lips. His response was immediate and satisfactory. Somehow his kisses make me feel wanted.

We pulled apart smiling at each other. He gave me a small peck before lying both of us back as we were before. This time my head was placed on his chest as I was holding him tight. His hands were around me rubbing my arms gently.

He kissed the top of my head. "Tell me about your dad." He asks. And for the first time after he died, a smile tugs on my lips remembering him. That night I told him everything about my dad and how amazing my dad was. It was bittersweet memories that I always try to keep it in the deepest corner of my mind, but that day I told him everything, things that no one knew except for my dad and me. 

I have no idea if trusting him with my memories and my heart was the right thing to do or not. But I did.

I know where I'm going with this, the path I vowed to never go again.I know I'm going to get hurt if I choose this path. But somehow this feels right. 

I realized something today, that it would be ok to get hurt again if it means to be with him.


Hola Amigos!!

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CIAO loviess!! XO <3

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