CHAP25-"Witness "

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(Harin's Pov)

'Liar, it has to be Taehyung-but why would he lie, no, no, it has to be Namjoon? Oh god why would he lie, he might be the traitor, or maybe not'

Not even for a mere second I could rest my thoughts, it's getting darker the deeper we go. After going through all these hardships, we finally reached the abandoned forest where the throne is believed to stand.

I felt uneasy after every step I place, if I don't make use of my dusty old brain today then I fear the tomorrow that awaits will be a death filled one.

'I have to do something' I thought.

"Hey, Suga" I said, walking to him.

"The throne ayee" I said, hitting his shoulder with my elbow, smiling playfully. But apparently the cold guy didn't seem to like the idea.

"Don't get too sticky, fleshling"

"You're talking as if you are not made out of flesh, pftt" I said, giving him the 'are-you-kidding-me', stare. I stared until I got an answer, but the guy would just stare back, trying to tell me I'm right.

"What-oh my god-umm, let's just forget I asked that" I brushed my hair back in shock.

"So any new plans you've got in mind, I mean-you know, when you, I don't know, get the throne" I said, doing weird actions with my hand and peeking through my shoulders to read his reaction.

"I don't know"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW!!" I screamed, shaking him by his shoulder, shocking the poor boy.

"I mean-you should know right? Because it's a powerful throne after all, must use it wisely right" I brushed the dirt of his shoulder, in apology of messing his dress.

"I don't care" he said, and walked further from my sight.

'Pfft, I am sure he ain't getting it'

"Guys, if we go together, we will never be able to find the throne, so I say we split up"

"Sounds good to me, Namjoon hyung" Hoseok replied.


"Urghh stop stamping my feet"

"Sorry, my bad"

"OUCH, watch it!!"


"Your hair stinks"

"OUCH, you stamped on my feet again, Harin"


'Out of all the boys I could have been paired with, it had to be a Demon and a Vampire'

"I hate to break your thought cycle, but I was serious when I said your hair stinks and being paired with me was the best choice Namjoon hyung did, rather than this bat" Jimin said, pointing at Jungkook.

"For the last time, stop surfing through my head and no, my hair does not stink" I said, doubtfully smelling my hair.

'He was right, it stinks'.

"See, I told you"

"I have to admit, it even looks like a nest built by spiders" Jungkook said, as they both high fived each other.

"But he just offended you, Jungkook"

"Oh this crow, nha I don't mind. Now let me hear you caw caw, bitch" he said, laughing while Jimin almost had his punch across his face, but failed when Jungkook jumped away.

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