READ ME: it's for you bbys

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●Author's Pov- meh?●

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Author's Pov- meh?

I'm supposed to be on a hiatus. But never mind.

Okay. So I'm not going to be professional about this. You might have already noticed that XD

Now let's sit together as a family and talk. Okay?

Please adopt meh!


Thank you●

This chapter is dedicated because we made it to a 100k reads.
Damn, I love you. Thank you so much.

A big shout out to everyone who guessed almost everything about this book.

Ya'll are smart AF. I wasn't expecting anyone to actually guess it over.


_Q & ANS_

1.Why was the ending such sort?

Well, so I was mainly trying to emphasize the importance of you all lovely readers as a human (unless you are another species, which I completely understand ; ) )Just love yourself fams.


2.I thought Jimin would be the angel? Why was he the Demon.? Basically how did I choose the characters?

Okay, so choosing the characters was fun. Because I did it based on practical army thoughts and humor.

Namjoon, as a Wizard cause he is smart. And yes, shUT uP MaLfOy.

Hoseok, as an Angel because of his bright attitude and, I'm your hope, I'm your Angel, I'm J-hope.

Suga as a reaper, because c'mon I needed someone savage to take such a crucial role.

Jin as a human, cause he is worldwide human, I'm sorry handsome.

The rest three were just choosing, but Jimin was after seeing that pic I put up in the intro.



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3.When Harin's mom was sick, why would she leave her and go with them?

Because she was forced to XD quite obvious, but okay.



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4. Why write a spin-off?

Because I felt I could do more with those three characters.


5. Why Hogwarts and Greek mytho? Why not just one?

Guys, it's because I was born in camp half blood and raised in Hogwarts.



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You may have more questions, feel free to ask. I had fun choosing these XD


Note for you●

Half of the time when I go through the comments, I'm literally in need of holy water. You kids? Where are your guardians at?

Like I didn't even mention any mature content, but the entire book is filled with mature talks.

Like I didn't even mention any mature content, but the entire book is filled with mature talks

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But I'll spare you because your cute.


Continue reading the spin-off. THANK YOU, BBYS.


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