• 01

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"In the workplace, the monitoring of men sexually harassing women is high to keep the ladies safe. Men, if you have intentions of getting physical with women, make sure it happens consensually, and outside of the office."

The annual instructional safety video plays in the background. No one really pays attention to it anymore. I heard that piece and felt I should make fun.

"What about the men?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Ross asks me. "Men are pigs, obviously. They want a piece of hot office ass. Even me, but I'm actually respectful."

"I mean... what about protecting men from men?" I hint. His eyes widen.

"Dude, you're fucking right! The big guys are always secretly fags looking for some!" I internally vomit at his use of "fag" as derogatory. No one knows I'm gay; they'd give me hell over it.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. It's awful, regardless if you're a guy being harassed by a guy, a girl by a girl, or even a guy by a girl. Sexual harassment is a crazy intersection, not a one way street."

"I can level with that." After Ross said that, the hottest piece of human meat happened to walk in. Ever since I started working here, he's been my superior, in more ways than being my division head. Every interaction we've had, it's always me getting worked up and him staying calm and being cheeky. Halfway through everyday, his tie is gone and his first two buttons are undone. He is the epitome of sexy, and it drives me wild.

"H-h-hey, Calvin," I stutter. Goddammit I always stutter.

"What's up, Ben!" he says with full confidence and swagger. I want to call him Cal, make it personal like he made Benjamin into Ben for me.

"Hey, Cal!" Ross cheers, bumping his fist to his like a bro would. Fuck. I hate my life.

"Work is over in an hour, so I thought we could go get drinks?" Calvin suggests.

"I don't know," I say almost instantaneously. I've got to stay away from him, he's straight as far as I know and I'm not trying to be gay while I work here. Ross and Calvin are the only friends I have and I want to keep it that way.

"Come on, Ben! You never come!" Ross pouts. Tell me about it...

I sigh, shrugging. "Fine. I'll go if I don't have to buy," I say. Ross cheers and I think Calvin smiled. I'm not entirely sure if he smiled for me, maybe it was wishful thinking.

"I'll see you guys in a bit," Calvin says, walking away from our area. Ross punches my arm.

"Man, what gives? You never want to go anywhere with us and now you suddenly do? Where is your head?" I sigh, lying my head on the desk. "I'm sorry, Ben. I didn't mean to force you to go or anything, you can back out."

"What? No, it's not that."

"Then what is it? You can tell me, man. We're friends. I'm not going to judge you, I just want to know why you're always nervous around Cal." I guess it's now or never. Fuck it, I'm an adult. I am making my own paycheck and paying rent, I can be open about who I want to fuck.

"It's because I like him," I whisper.

"What? You like him... how?" He gasps, catching on. "You're ...gay?" I nod slowly, awaiting his hateful disgust or his acceptance.

"I didn't know how you would react, I didn't want you to hate me." He sighs.

"Ben, I'm not homophobic. I'm sorry I said fag earlier, too. I wasn't thinking. But it makes me feel bad that you were scared silent about this to me. I hope you can forgive that, I want to be your full time friend, man."

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