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February is finally here! Our benefit concert is tomorrow, and the hype around it successfully rose in the last few weeks. Many people are excited to attend. It fills my heart so much to know there are kind souls excited for the event.

One of those souls is none other than my mother. It's nearing sundown, and Calvin and I are at the airport awaiting her arrival. We see her coming out of the gate, and I can't express the happiness bubbling in me when I see her bright smile upon spotting me. She snakes through the crowd and immediately hugs me. I hug her tightly back, allowing a tear to fall.

"I missed you too much!" she cries.

"I've missed you more. How was the flight?"

"Strange. It wasn't what I expected exactly."

"What did you expect?" Calvin asks her.

She giggles. "I expected a screaming child to be kicking my seat, but I peacefully watched movies instead." She hugs Calvin as well. I think it goes without saying that seeing your parent show affection to your significant other is heartwarming.

"You aren't too tired, are you?" I ask Mom.

"I'm not, why?"

"I wanted to know if we could get dinner."

"I'm down if you are," she grins. Calvin generously takes her luggage for her as we exit the terminal. We drive through the thick city traffic to a restaurant closer to home. I love Mom's reaction to seeing New York City for the first time.

"I can see why you always wanted to come here! It is breathtaking at night."

"The views are amazing up high. Our New Year's party view was spectacular. I wish you could've seen it."

Calvin chuckles. "I've lived here a lot longer, and I still don't see the appeal. Yeah, it's cute at night, but during the day it's gray and full of trash and rats. I guess it's like that at night, but it's more noticeable in the day."

"You're never one to see much beauty in anything though," I say.

"Except for you, babe." *Blush*

"You're too cute, Calvin!" Mom says as she pinches my cheek.

"Stop!" I whine in embarrassment.

"I'll pinch his cheek, too. Don't make me embarrass you more," she says. I giggle.

"Actually, you can. I don't care." Calvin laughs and flips me off. We eventually find somewhere to park and head inside the restaurant. The night goes normally, with Mom seeming much more alive than she did when I first visited her. I think she is really feeling better recently.

We finish our meals off and grow sleepy. It was a long Friday of work and a long flight for Mom. Our party eventually makes its way back home.

"This is such a beautiful home, Calvin!" Mom says in awe.

"Well, thank you. It only costed an arm and a leg to get. Not fond of that year of my life."


He sighs. "I was doing a horrible job at everything: work, relationships both family and romantic, etcetera. Then I got this house when I really didn't have the money to afford it and survive, but I couldn't let the place go. ...It was a rough six months."

"Do you two sleep separately?" Mom asks. "You better be, you naughty boys."

I blush, finding no words to say. Is she joking?

"Yes, if you're wondering, I am joking." I try to laugh off my nervousness. If this woman was about to pull some religious bullshit on me after I accepted her back into my life, I'd be devastated.

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