• 07

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"Wow!" I sigh in amazement at the view. I rush up to the railing and pick my body up by my arms to get a better view. In the distance of the train station, we can see mountain ranges for miles. Japan is a marvel of beauty.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" Tadashi asks me as he steps up behind me. Calvin puts his hands to my hips to stabilize me so I don't flip over the rail and plummet onto the train track.

"Yes, it is! I've never seen a more magical place in my life." I'm completely smitten in every way with this country. Our train arrives quickly. Once we've boarded, we settle in to our seats and get comfortable for the few hours ride.

Calvin shares earbuds with me, and we take turns showing each other music the other hasn't listened to. Every moment with him is a cute development for me. Taking selfies, talking literature, or listening to music are simple things that make me so happy when it's with him.

"Japan is so beautiful," he mutters as he stares out the window. I lean my head against his shoulder. I want to say something corny like you're beautiful but I feel like he'll punch me for being too gay. Honestly I need a good hit every now and then.

"Calvin," Agatha speaks. Cal pauses the music and we both look up at her. "May you please give me a moment alone with Benjamin. I need to speak to him."

"Okay, I guess," he shrugs, moving from his seat to take one beside Sarah. Agatha sits beside me and stays silent for a moment. I can feel her tense energy.

"Is everything alright? You seem very on edge." She hums a confirmation.

"Ben, I'm going to be real with you. I absolutely hate apologizing. I know it's nasty to hate such a thing, but it's something I hate. I don't like being wrong, and do not like admitting it."

"Cool?" I peep.

Agatha runs her hands through her bangs and sighs. "I wanted to preface this with that. Look, Benjamin, I'm extremely sorry for what I said about you last night. In the few days I've known you personally, I've learned you are one of everyone's favorite people and friend. You are kind, genuine, trustworthy, and decent. I'm none of those things, which is why we don't get along. I've learned that you couldn't be better for my little cousin Cal, because you are the perfect match for him. Did I expect him to end up with a man? No. Do I mind? Not at all."

"Thanks, Agatha. It did sting to hear you say what you said at first, but I guess I'm used to hearing things like that. I know it's not the average thing, being gay. I get it if it's weird for you."

"Don't excuse me for my insensitivity. You deserve judgement-free romance. I'm glad you're dating Cal. Besides, we'll become good friends if you plan on staying with him for a long time."

"I'm not sure he will want to settle for a guy. Calvin's hardly bi. I'm probably just his experiment."

Agatha scoffs. "If he dares think you will be played so easily, I will kick his ass." I chuckle.

"He seems into me, but it just seems like a long shot to think he'll settle for... me."

"I'm sorry you feel so pitiful about yourself!" Agatha shouts, drawing unwanted attention. "You have to make yourself irresistible and perfect to him. All you have to do is try."

"Um, okay?" I sigh, looking over at him being goofy with Sarah.

"Ben, can we be friends?" Agatha asks me. I look back to her face, the same face that was rude to me, but softer and more desperate.

I nod. "How could I say no?" She smiles. It nearly makes me tear up. She must have a hard time making friends, being the boss.

Agatha and I talk until we reach our stop in Roppongi. I genuinely have no idea what's going on. I do feel really bad for Agatha, though she may have brought her own loneliness on herself. Everyone wants companionship, even the seemingly cold CEO of your company. I'll be that friend she's always wanted, and make sure she feels included and can enjoy her time with us in Japan.

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