• Epilogue

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Outsourcing to Tanaka last year was a hugely successful decision for ConnorsTech, proven by a resulting roll-out of entirely new home and office appliances in the U.S. and Japan. Stock has risen, the company has grown, and things are seriously looking up. Agatha wraps up a Skype meeting with Mr. Tanaka himself, all smiles, and is left to her quiet office.

Within minutes, Maria arrives. "Hello, Ms. Espinoza. How are you?" Agatha greets the newly-transferred employee from New York.

"Ms. Connors, it's a pleasure to finally see you again. I'm doing great."

"I assume the move was smooth?"

Maria chuckles. "More or less. Reuniting with the family over the weekend definitely has my spirits high, but the new job is... frightening to say the least."

Agatha nods. "By the end of the week, you are sure to acclimate just fine. I am pleased you will be joining us here. If I could have gotten my hands on Benjamin, I would have, so having someone as talented as you here will be swell."

"That's very kind of you, Ms. Connors."

"I like a good rapport with my more capable employees; call me Agatha."

"First name basis is fine with me."

"So, Maria. What would you say to a months training for a head-of-department position? I am sure the knuckleheads in accounting would love a witty beauty such as yourself bossing them around. We need more women running things around here."

Maria is taken aback. "Wow, really? Thank you, Agatha, that's so kind. I accept!"

"Great. You proved your worth at our New York headquarters, so I know you will not disappoint. Beginning next week, you will be in charge of a lot, so make sure you do everything in your power to become accustomed to the workspace. I expect big things from you."

"I won't disappoint you, hermosa," Maria says with a wink, standing with her bag and exiting the office. Agatha blushes as she walks away, a budding attraction to her underling blossoming, forbidden yet tantalizing.

"So this is what Calvin feels like, huh?"

• • •

Papers and books strewn about the desks, Sheila wildly chases different files and invoices for the upcoming audit. Sarah enters the room cheerily, holding a bag of takeout triumphantly in the air.

"The goods," she pronounces, then takes notice of her frantic wife. She sets her things down and tiptoes over and around mile-high stacks of documents and manila folders, shuddering at how much work has invaded their home. "Shell, you've been working non-stop for two weeks. When are we going to slow down?"

After a solid minute of silence, she looks up from her laptop and sighs. "I'm sorry, baby. My job depends on this, you know that. I'm going crazy making sure everything's in order."

Sarah shrugs. "That's how your job always is, I suppose. You do such a great job keeping everything organized though, so I'm positive it will go smoothly."

Suddenly, a three-foot tall tower of papers falls over. "Ahh, NO!! DID YOU LET MOCHI IN HERE?!"

"Shit," Sarah grumbles. "I didn't mean to. Fuck. Don't worry, I'll clean it up. Mochi! Come here, you little cunt!" Sarah chases the cat frantically, calling her name threateningly. Sheila leans back in her chair and groans. Once the cat is secured and the room is in order again, Sarah carries a passed out Sheila to the bedroom and puts her in bed.

She sits against the headboard, a box of noodles and a glass of wine at the ready to drown her stress. It's September now, an entire month since their marriage. Sarah took inspiration from Calvin and Ben, deciding against a ceremony. In their busy lives, it almost seems more natural to have it done when they felt ready, with no big fuss about extravagance.

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