• 19

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I gave Bethany the directions to the landing site of the jet, and when I landed, she literally ran screaming across the runway to me.

"What. The. Fuck!" she squealed. I giggled and hugged her tightly, for I've honestly missed her so much. I wouldn't say we were absolute besties, but we had each other's backs. She's my friend that felt the courage to come out as a lesbian and broke up with her boyfriend, the same one that attacked me in high school. My shoulder still hurts sometimes, especially when I think about it.

"It's so good to see you," I say into her shirt. She's an inch taller than me, but somehow seems six taller. It's the way she carries herself, with such attitude and grace.

"Where's your man?" she jeers. "I've got to have a talk with him about taking good care of you!" I laugh, shaking my head.

"You haven't changed. I didn't bring him along. I didn't want to worry him with talking to my parents." She nods, then takes my hand.

"Well, it's a twenty minute drive back home, so you have to tell me everything about the last two years!"


Bethany became a real estate agent and has been working for almost five years in the business, so when we got to her house, I was simultaneously expecting a new, extravagant home and also was surprised to see it.

"This is nice!" I exclaim, checking out the sweet place she has.

"I know, but you probably have something better," she says. "You're kinda the CFO of a whole-ass company."

"I don't have my own house. I live with Calvin." I love saying that with such causality in front of her. I know we've both dreamt of talking about our lives with each other.

"Okay, so... Don't get mad at me, but I am throwing you a party for coming home."

"What?!" I shout.

"I invited a bunch of people that actually miss you, but I'm sure randos are gonna show up, too. Just be careful. Most of the locals never really grew up, so it'll be like an annoying high school party eventually, especially when people get drunk."

"I've never been any good with parties, you know?" I whine, knowing that she knows this obvious fact about me.

"You're twenty-six. You will survive. Besides, you've lived such a life in the past year that you'll be the literal life of the party. Even so, my bedroom is our little safe haven, and I'll make sure only we and actual friends will come in. You still have to mingle though. Ana is so excited to see you again, too."

"I missed her," I whisper defeatedly.

"So you're okay with the party? Most of the girls really want to see you again. Most of them from college, but a few from high school. And I'm sure there'll be a hundred more people show up for the sake of a party."

"Yeah, it's cool. Of course I'm okay with it. I'm not going to
be the reason we can't have a good time." Bethany pumps her fist in the air and hugs me.

"Wait until Calvin hears he missed out on a party," she says with a smirk, then dashed away to grab her ringing phone.

I sigh. "It'd be nice if he were here. Parties are easier with him."


Things begin livening up in Bethany's house, and my anxiety is at an all time high. I, Bethany, Ana, and some close friends all sit around or on Bethany's large bed. I've tried and failed to drink to help calm my nerves. I don't have a taste for beer tonight, and getting very shitty the day before I see my parents is a bad idea.

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