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Both of them landed in front of this large tree. It looked like a legitimate tree, but if you looked close enough, you could tell it was hollow on the inside. There were latches that led to possible openings, and little windows were disguised.

Hangman's Tree. Gardenia thought to herself.

Peter nudged her, got her to stop staring at it. They went inside a hidden door that completely blended into the tree. Gardenia followed closely behind the boy.

There was a small room with some places to sit and another room branching off a little. In the other room--door ajar--there rested a bed. Was this Peter's home? But what about the Lost Boys? Where did they sleep? Speaking of them, where even were the Lost Boys?

"This is my room. This nice little area. No one is allowed up here unless I say so. Got it?" She only nodded. That pleased Peter. "Good. Where you and the rest sleep are down those steps."

Sure enough, there was a narrow staircase. Gardenia found it weird how she hadn't noticed them before, but there they were. They traveled down them, the staircase being much steeper and longer down than Gardenia thought. The place was messy, but still semi-clean; cleaner than she thought it would be. The room was empty of people. It had handmade tools lying around along with areas to possibly sleep. There were hammocks and blankets and other things. Overall, the room was very spacious and huge, though they had to be deep under the ground. Gardenia wondered how they built this place. Magic, maybe. She was skeptical about this whole thing at first, but part of her was starting to believe that this wasn't a joke. Starting to think that she really was in Neverland. After all, a ghost-type creature picked her up and took her away.

"If this is Neverland," Gardenia turned around to face the tall boy. "Then where are the Lost Boys?"

Little did Peter know, the story Peter Pan was one of Gardenia's favorite stories. Little did Gardenia know, this was nothing like the story.

"They're off doing whatever they please. " He cocked an eyebrow up. He replied like it was obvious.

Gardenia only rolled her eyes, looking at something in the massive room. She crossed her arms over her chest, putting up her tough front on again. Peter shook his head at the girl, walking off to get her newer clothes. Whatever she was wearing was weird and he didn't like it. Her clothes were also damp and muddy, Peter couldn't have her getting sick so soon from it. His only problem with this? were there any clothes that would suit her? Fit her right? He'd have to fix up some female clothes for her soon. This girl was short and curvy though. Yet she was older. The Shadow hardly ever brought over boys that were as old as sixteen. There were only Felix, Slightly, and Badger who were the oldest; old as seventeen. But still, only three boys were around her age. The rest were only between the ages of five and fourteen when brought here. All of this was strange to Peter. But he had to admit, he was enjoying this a bit. He now had a new adventure. A mission: To figure out this girl, why she was brought here. Why now. Maybe it could end up in him having his first Lost Girl.

"Put this on," he tossed over some pieces of cloth. It was the smallest size he could find. It was a combination of dark blue and red fabrics. Gardenia examined the items of clothing. Seriously? She had to wear this?

The once redhead looked up at the boy. "You do know you're supposed to leave, right?" She was serious. Peter furrowed his face, giving her a mock look.

"Yes, I know I need to leave when a girl is changing. I'm not stupid."

Peter walked back up the stairs then, leaving her to change. Gardenia was hesitant. What if a Lost Boy, or the whole lot, were to just walk in? That'd be embarrassing if they saw her so exposed. Did they even know that she was there? That she would be living with them for a while?

Gardenia didn't expect to actually stay here. Despite her living situation back home, she wanted to go back. She was thinking of bringing it up to Peter once she finished changing. Just like in the movie, the Darling's had to go back home at some point, and she already wanted to go back.

"Do I have to change into this? Why can't I stay in my regular clothes?" She yelled, sliding her wet jacket off. There was movement from upstairs, shuffling happening. Peter's voice bellowed from the top floor.

"Just hurry up, Flower." His voice didn't sound so stern that time. It didn't sound intimidating or taunting. His words came out a little softer than what the girl expected, but it was still frightening in a sense. Nonetheless, she changed. The dark blue and red top was loose on her, the pants seeming to fit better than the shirt, however. But they fit, nevertheless. She tried putting on the shoes, but those were way too big, so she slipped back on her old Vans.

Just as she finished dressing in her new attire, Peter came rushing down the steps. For the first time since she'd been there, a flash of worry was on his face. Not the mean or evil smirk he seemed to have on at all times. Now this boy looked slightly panicked. Multiple hidden openings opened up, boys piling in from all directions. Peter was trying to stop them from coming in, saying that someone was down in the room changing. Gardenia eyed him, thinking how it was weird that he was so... protective? Was that the right word? She didn't know, but she found it strange that he was worried about her being exposed to the group of boys.

"What's this girl doing here, Pan?" A very tall boy, taller than Peter himself, lifted up some strands of her green and orange hair. Peter whipped around, an angered expression on his face. It softened however once he saw that Gardenia was fully clothed. He breathed out, looking relieved.

Gardenia still found it weird how he seemed to be so concerned about her well-being. In the story, Peter acts like a child because he is one. He doesn't know any better. If anything, shouldn't he be laughing at the possible exposure, or not care so much about it? It would be funny for him and everyone else. So why was he concerned?

The room fell silent when all the Lost Boys saw the short girl standing in the middle of their home. Peter went next to her, setting a hand on her shoulder. He shot every boy there a deathly glare, as if telling them not to touch her.

"This is Gardenia Asteriae Bellis," he announced. "She's our first Lost Girl."

The boys erupted. Comments were being thrown at them.

"A Lost Girl? That's impossible!"

"Girls don't get lost like us!"

"Pan, you're joking."

"You couldn't fools us, Pan! Not this time!"

Peter had had enough of the comments. He cherished his Lost Boys, he really did. He may not act like it at times, but he did actually care. He just didn't know how to show it properly. But his boys were acting stupid. How could this be a joke when she was standing right in front of them? What could possibly be running through their heads? Complete idiots.

"Well she's standing right there, isn't she?" He seemed annoyed and angered. His face was a light shade of red, and both eyebrows were raised. His arm had flown outward from his side, motioning to the girl.

All the chatter had subsided. There really was a girl in front of their eyes, yet they hadn't seen a real girl since they came to Neverland. Who knows how long ago that's been, but long enough for them to think of this whole thing a joke. But now their faces were plain. The younger looking Lost Boys had starstrucked expressions, while the older Lost Boys stared blankly at her. It was completely silent.

Gardenia stared back, wanting to scream. She was confused and overwhelmed. Screaming was the best option to get feelings out, but she stayed silent, wondering what she was getting into.

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