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Peter still wanted to see what Gardenia could do. Even if she still didn't know the island quite well. He wanted to see her way of strategy; what she could come up with. No matter what, though, he would make sure she was free of harm. He couldn't have her dead that easily and that fast. That'd be no fun. He hadn't figured her out yet.

Peter had the first game set up. Since they'd already learned her aim was good, it was time for a different game. This game that was one of the Lost Boys' favorites. They rarely played this game. Only playing it when new arrivals came or Peter was in a good mood. Since they now had Gardenia, they were playing the game.

This game was like a form of hide-and-seek tag. Only one person was the Seeker, having to find and chase down the others. Once tagged, you were on the Seeker's team. The only rules to do whatever it took to stay hidden, and to do whatever it took to strike someone. One could hide anywhere on the island, and one could capture another anyway they wanted. Meaning the Seeker could throw rocks, aim arrows, tackle; whatever it took.

The boy who was it this time was Felix. The teenage girl gulped. From the moment she saw him, she found him creepy. He always had a sinister look in his eyes. She had a feeling he'd go after her first since she was brand new and wouldn't know where to go.

"Follow me," Badger told Gardenia as Felix began counting. She followed the older looking boy, them running away, but Peter appeared out of nowhere. They stopped dead in their tracks, right in front of him.

"Nuh-uh-uh," Peter gave Badger a disappointed look. "Badger, c'mon now. I know you're not stupid. No helping our newest member."

"Pan, she could get lost or hurt! She already has. Go easy on her, please!" Badger had a Scottish accent that sounded quite charming to Gardenia.

The man in charge shook his head, telling Badger to go off on his own, find someone else to hide with. "Happy hiding," Peter said deridingly. Without another breath, he disappeared.

The wind picked up and Gardenia ran. She ran and ran, trying to find a good place. If she were back on the streets, she'd know exactly where to go, but here? Nothing. Hiding in the trees would be too predictable. So she continued running until her legs couldn't anymore. Breathing heavily, she panicked, knowing Felix must be looking for her now. Or more Lost Boys if he already gotten some.

Listen to the breeze. Hide in the trees!

It was the plants again. They were talking to her. Gardenia grunted, annoyed with the voices. But she listened to them despite not wanting to hide in the trees. She followed the breeze that was always on Neverland and hid in a large tree. She climbed up the limbs of the gigantic tree, climbing so high. She got about to the middle of the tree before plopping down and taking a break. She glanced down, seeing about three younger boys scattering and giggling.

"Pst," someone whispered. "Gardenia."

The girl turned, seeing Slightly and Badger. They were a couple feet above her in the tree. A sigh of relief left her throat.

"Thank God I found you guys," she grinned, climbing up to them.

"I can't believe Felix hasn't found you yet," Slightly's heavy Boston accent rang. "He's been looking for you from the beginning."

"What's the point of this game? It's just hide and seek."

"That's where you're wrong," Badger piped in. "This is for Peter to see how good our skills are. Especially the newbie, which is you."

"Yeah, it's his chance to see how good we are at disguising ourselves and how observant we are." Slightly looked at her.

Gardenia looked away, looking at the ground again. Nothing was happening below. "Well, do you know any better hiding places around here?"

"Yep. You can hide over in--"

"Hate to cut this reunion short, but I thought I strictly told you no helping." Peter snarled, sitting on a branch a few inches away. "You two scram, and Flower, find your own hiding places without help."

The two boys nodded, stumbling to move elsewhere. Gardenia did the same, climbing back down. She ran the second her feet hit the ground. Though she stopped when she saw a giant hole by a large rock. The hole was big enough for her to fit inside, so she dove in. Without hesitation, she went right inside the hole never thinking what could be inside. Luckily, the previous resident had long since left.

It was time for her to wait until she heard them calling out to her, exclaiming that she won. But as time passed, nothing happened. Had they forgotten about her already? No, that couldn't be. They were toying with her.

"Oh little Lost Girl..." Felix's eerie voice rang in her ears. She was still inside the hole. Gardenia prayed that they wouldn't find it.

"C'mon Flower Girl, come out!" Another boy with an Australian accent yelled. She put a hand over her mouth to keep her from letting out a sound. These boys sounded so terrorizing and creepy. It sent shivers down Gardenia's spine.

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