The Ordination of Aaron and His Sons
8 The Lord said🗣️ to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽, 2 “Bring Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬, their 👕👖👗garments👘👙👚, the 🅰️anointing oil🛢️, the bull🐂🐃 for4️⃣ the sin😈 offering, the two2️⃣ rams🐂🐃 🅰️and the basket🏀🗑️🛒 containing 🍞bread🥖 ⛏️⚒️made🛠️🔨 ⛔without⛔ yeast, 3 🅰️and gather the entire 🅰️assembly 🅰️at the ↩️entrance to2️⃣ the tent⛺ of 🤝meeting🤝.” 4 Moses👴🏽 did 🅰️as the Lord commanded🗣️ him, 🅰️and the 🅰️assembly gathered 🅰️at the ↩️entrance to2️⃣ the tent⛺ of 🤝meeting🤝.
5 Moses👴🏽 said🗣️ to2️⃣ the 🅰️assembly, “This is what the Lord has commanded🗣️ to2️⃣ be🐝 done.” 6 Then Moses👴🏽 brought Aaron 🅰️and his 👬sons 4️⃣forward 🅰️and washed them👥 with 🌊💧water💦💦. 7 He put the tunic👕👚 on🔛 Aaron, tied the sash 🅰️around🔄🔃 him, clothed👕👖👗👘👙👚 him with the robe👘 🅰️and put the ephod on🔛 him. He also ⚡fastened the ephod with a🅰️ decorative waistband🎸🎷🎹🎙️🎺🎻🥁, which he tied 🅰️around him🔃🔄. 8 He placed the breastpiece🍉🌽🥜🍞🍟🥓🍿🍪🎂🍰🍫🍬 on🔛 him 🅰️and put the Urim 🅰️and Thummim in the breastpiece🍉🌽🥜🍞🍟🥓🍿🍪🎂🍰🍫🍬. 9 Then he placed the turban👳 on🔛 🅰️Aaron’s head 🅰️and set the 🎖️🏆gold🏅🥇 plate🥞🍛🍱🍮, the sacred emblem🎖️, on🔛 the front of it, 🅰️as the Lord commanded🗣️ Moses👴🏽.
10 Then Moses👴🏽 took the 🅰️anointing oil🛢️ 🅰️and 🅰️anointed the tabernacle 🅰️and everything in it, 🅰️and so consecrated them👥. 11 He sprinkled💦 some of the oil🛢️ on🔛 the altar🛐 seven7️⃣ ⌚⏰⏱️times⏲️🕰️🕛, 🅰️anointing the altar🛐 and 🅰️all its utensils🍴🥄🔪 and the basin⚱️🛢️ with its stand🕴️, to2️⃣ consecrate them👥. 12 He poured🌊 some of the 🅰️anointing oil🛢️ on🔛 Aaron’s head 🅰️and 🅰️anointed him to2️⃣ consecrate him. 13 Then he brought Aaron’s 👬sons 4️⃣forward, put tunics👕👚 on🔛 them👥, tied sashes 🅰️around🔃🔄 them👥 🅰️and ⚡fastened caps👑👒🎩🎓⛑️ on🔛 them👥, as the Lord commanded🗣️ Moses👴🏽.
14 He then 🎁presented the bull🐂🐃 for4️⃣ the sin😈 offering, 🅰️and Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬 laid🛏️🛌 their hands👐 on🔛 its head. 15 Moses👴🏽 slaughtered🔪 the bull🐂🐃 and took some of the blood, 🅰️and with his finger🖕 he put it on🔛 all the horns🦄🐮🐂🐃🐄🐐🐗🐘🦏 of the altar🛐 to2️⃣ purify the altar🛐. He poured🌊 out the 💤rest💤 of the blood 🅰️at the base of the altar🛐. So he consecrated it to2️⃣ ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 🅰️atonement for4️⃣ it. 16 Moses👴🏽 🅰️also took 🅰️all the fat 🅰️around🔃🔄 the ➡️internal⬅️ organs🎹, the long lobe👂 of the liver, 🅰️and both 👶👦👧kidneys 🅰️and their fat, 🅰️and 🔥burned🔥 it on🔛 the altar🛐. 17 But the bull🐂🐃 with its hide 🅰️and its flesh 🅰️and its intestines he 🔥burned🔥 up🆙 outside the camp🎪, 🅰️as the Lord commanded🗣️ Moses👴🏽.
18 He then 🎁presented the ram🐂🐃 for4️⃣ the 🔥burnt🔥 offering, 🅰️and Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬 laid🛏️🛌 their hands👐 on🔛 its head. 19 Then Moses👴🏽 slaughtered🔪 the ram🐂🐃 🅰️and splashed💦 the blood 🅰️against the sides of the altar🛐. 20 He cut✂️ the ram🐃🐂 into2️⃣ pieces🍉🌽🥜🍞🥓🍟🍿🍪🎂🍫🍫🍬 🅰️and 🔥burned🔥 the head, the pieces🍉🌽🥜🍞🥓🍟🍿🍪🎂🍫🍬 and the fat. 21 He washed the ➡️internal⬅️ organs🎹 and the legs with 🌊💧water💦💦 and 🔥burned🔥 the whole ram🐂🐃 on🔛 the altar🛐. It was a🅰️ 🔥burnt🔥 offering, 🅰️a 😍pleasing 🌫️aroma👃, a🅰️ 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶 offering 🎁presented to2️⃣ the Lord, 🅰️as the Lord commanded🗣️ Moses👴🏽.
22 He then 🎁presented the other ram🐂🐃, the ram🐂🐃 for the ordination, 🅰️and Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬 laid🛏️🛌 their hands👐 on🔛 its head. 23 Moses👴🏽 slaughtered🔪 the ram🐂🐃 🅰️and took some of its blood 🅰️and put it on🔛 the lobe👂 of 🅰️Aaron’s right➡️ ear👂, on🔛 the thumb👍 of his right➡️ hand🤚 🅰️and on🔛 the big toe👣 of his right➡️ foot👣. 24 Moses👴🏽 also brought 🅰️Aaron’s sons👬 4️⃣forward 🅰️and put some of the blood on🔛 the lobes👂 of their right➡️ ears👂, on🔛 the thumbs👍 of their right➡️ hands👐 🅰️and on🔛 the big toes👣 of their right➡️ feet👣. Then he splashed💦 blood 🅰️against the sides of the altar🛐. 25 🅰️After that, he took the fat, the fat tail, 🅰️all the fat 🅰️around🔃🔄 the ➡️internal⬅️ organs🎹, the long lobe👂 of the liver, both 👶👦👧kidneys 🅰️and their fat 🅰️and the right➡️ thigh. 26 🅰️And from the basket🏀🗑️🛒 of 🍞bread🥖 ⛏️⚒️made🛠️🔨 ⛔without⛔ yeast, which was 🐝before4️⃣ the Lord, he took one1️⃣ thick 🍞loaf🥖, one1️⃣ thick 🍞loaf🥖 with olive oil🛢️ mixed in, 🅰️and one1️⃣ thin 🍞loaf🥖, 🅰️and he put these on🔛 the fat portions 🅰️and on🔛 the right➡️ thigh.27 He put 🅰️all these in the hands👐 of Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬, 🅰️and they👥 waved🌊👋 them👥 🐝before4️⃣ the Lord 🅰️as a🅰️ wave🌊👋 offering. 28 Then Moses👴🏽 took them👥 from their👥 hands👐 🅰️and 🔥burned🔥 them👥 on🔛 the altar🛐 on🔛 top🔝 of the 🔥burnt🔥 offering 🅰️as 🅰️an 🅾️ordination📜 offering, 🅰️a 😍pleasing 🌫️aroma👃, a 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶 offering 🎁presented to2️⃣ the Lord. 29 Moses👴🏽 🅰️also took the breast, which was his share of the 🅾️ordination📜 ram🐂🐃, 🅰️and waved🌊👋 it 🐝before4️⃣ the Lord 🅰️as 🅰️a wave🌊👋 offering, 🅰️as the Lord commanded🗣️ Moses👴🏽.
30 Then Moses👴🏽 took some of the 🅰️anointing oil🛢️ 🅰️and some of the blood from the altar🛐 🅰️and sprinkled💦 them👥 on🔛 Aaron 🅰️and his garments👗👘 🅰️and on🔛 his sons👬 🅰️and their👥 garments👗👘. So he consecrated Aaron 🅰️and his garments👗👘 🅰️and his sons👬 🅰️and their garments👗👘.
31 Moses👴🏽 then said🗣️ to2️⃣ Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬, “Cook the meat 🅰️at the ↩️entrance to2️⃣ the tent⛺ of 🤝meeting🤝 🅰️and eat it there with the 🍞bread🥖 from the basket🏀🗑️🛒 of 🅾️ordination📜 offerings, 🅰️as I was commanded🗣️: ‘Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬 are to2️⃣ eat it.’ 32 Then 🔥burn🔥 up🆙 the 💤rest💤 of the meat 🅰️and the 🍞bread🥖. 33 Do ❌not❌ leave the ↩️entrance to2️⃣ the tent⛺ of 🤝meeting🤝 for4️⃣ seven7️⃣ days📆, until the days📆 of your 🅾️ordination📜 are completed, for4️⃣ your 🅾️ordination📜 will last seven7️⃣ days📆. 34 What has 🐝been done 2️⃣today☀️ was commanded🗣️ by the Lord to2️⃣ ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 🅰️atonement for4️⃣ you. 35 You must stay 🅰️at the ↩️entrance to2️⃣ the tent⛺ of 🤝meeting🤝 ☀️day☀️ 🅰️and 🌙night🌙 for4️⃣ seven7️⃣ days📆 🅰️and do what the Lord requires, so you will ❌not❌ 💀die💀; for4️⃣ that is what I have 🐝been commanded🗣️.”
36 So 🅰️Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬 did everything the Lord commanded🗣️ through Moses👴🏽.
The Holy Bible with Emojis: Leviticus
SpiritualBasically this is going to be a long project to hand add emojis to the Bible. All 66 books. This is the third part. 3 of 66. The book of Leviticus (NIV). If you see a place where there should be an emoji, let me know and I'll fix it. Project Starte...