Leviticus 13:1-13:59

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Regulations About Defiling Skin Diseases

13 The Lord said🗣️ to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽 and Aaron, 2 “When 🅰️anyone1️⃣ has a🅰️ swelling 🅾️or a🅰️ rash 🅾️or a🅰️ ✨shiny✨ spoton their👥 skin that may be🐝 a🅰️ defiling skin disease😷🤒🤢🤧, they👥 must be🐝 brought to2️⃣ 🅰️Aaron the priest🤵 or to2️⃣ one1️⃣ of his sons👬 who is a🅰️ priest🤵. 3 The priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 the sore🤒 on🔛 the skin, 🅰️and if the hair💇 in the sore🤒 has turned⤴️⤵️ white 🅰️and the sore🤒 🅰️appears to2️⃣ be🐝 more than skin deep, it is a🅰️ defiling skin disease😷🤢🤧🤒. When the priest🤵 🔎examines🔍 that person👤, he shall pronounce🗣️ them ceremonially unclean. 4 If the ✨shiny✨ spot⚫ on🔛 the skin is white but does 🚫not🚫 🅰️appear to2️⃣ be🐝 more than skin deep 🅰️and the hair💇 in it has 🚫not🚫 turned⤴️⤵️ white, the priest🤵 is to2️⃣ isolate the affected person👤 for4️⃣ seven7️⃣ days📆. 5 On🔛 the seventh7️⃣ ☀️day☀️ the priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 them👥, 🅰️and if he sees👀 that the sore🤒 is unchanged 🅰️and has 🚫not🚫 spread🔪 in the skin, he is to2️⃣ isolate them👥 for4️⃣ 🅰️another seven7️⃣ days📆. 6 On🔛 the seventh7️⃣ ☀️day☀️ the priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 them👥 🅰️again, 🅰️and if the sore🤒 has faded 🅰️and has 🚫not🚫 spread in the skin, the priest🤵 shall pronounce🗣️ them👥 clean; it is only a🅰️ rash. They👥 must wash their 👕👖👗👘👙👚clothes👞👟👠👡👢👒, 🅰️and they👥 will be🐝 clean. 7 But if the rash does spread🔪 in their👥 skin 🅰️after they👥 have shown 👥themselves to2️⃣ the priest🤵 to2️⃣ be🐝 pronounced🗣️ clean, they👥 must appear👁️‍🗨️ 🐝before4️⃣ the priest🤵 🅰️again. 8 The priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 that person👤, 🅰️and if the rash has spread🔪 in the skin, he shall pronounce🗣️ them👥 unclean; it is a🅰️ defiling skin disease😷🤒🤢🤧.

9 “When 🅰️anyone1️⃣ has a🅰️ defiling🗃️🗂️📂📁🗄️ skin disease😷🤒🤢🤧, they👥 must be🐝 brought to2️⃣ the priest🤵. 10 The priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 them👥, 🅰️and if there is 🅰️a white swelling in the skin that has ⤴️⤵️turned the hair💇 white 🅰️and if there is raw flesh in the swelling, 11 it is a🅰️ chronic skin disease😷🤒🤢🤧 🅰️and the priest🤵 shall pronounce🗣️ them👥 unclean. He is 🚫not🚫 to2️⃣ 🔒isolate🔒 them👥, 🐝because they👥 are 🅰️already unclean.

12 “If the disease😷🤒🤢🤧 breaks💔 out 🅰️all over their👥 skin 🅰️and, so far 🅰️as the priest🤵 can see👁️, it covers 🅰️all the skin of the 🅰️affected person👤 from head to2️⃣ foot👣, 13 the priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 them👥, 🅰️and if the disease😷🤒🤢🤧 has covered their👥 whole body, he shall pronounce🗣️ them👥 clean. Since it has 🅰️all turned⤴️⤵️ white, they👥 are clean. 14 But🍑 whenever raw flesh appears👁️‍🗨️ on🔛 them👥, they👥 will be🐝 unclean. 15 When the priest🤵 sees👁️ the raw flesh, he shall pronounce🗣️ them👥 unclean. The raw flesh is unclean; they👥 have a🅰️ defiling🗄️🗃️🗂️📂📁 disease😷🤒🤢🤧. 16 If the raw flesh changes 👁️‍🗨️and turns⤴️⤵️ white, they👥 must go to2️⃣ the priest🤵. 17 The priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 them👥, 🅰️and if the sores have turned⤵️⤴️ white, the priest🤵 shall pronounce🗣️ the 🅰️affected person👤 clean; then they👥 will be🐝 clean.

18 “When someone1️⃣ has a🅰️ boil💧🔥 on🔛 their skin 🅰️and it heals⛑️, 19 🅰️and in the place where the boil💧🔥 was, a🅰️ white swelling 🅾️or 🔴reddish-white spot⚫ appears👁️‍🗨️, they👥 must 🎁present🎁 👥themselves to2️⃣ the priest🤵.20 The priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔎examine🔍 it, 🅰️and if it 👁️‍🗨️appears to2️⃣ be🐝 more than skin deep 🅰️and the hair💇 in it has turned⤵️⤴️ white, the priest🤵 shall pronounce🗣️ that person👤 unclean. It is a🅰️ defiling🗄️🗃️🗂️📂📁 skin disease😷🤒🤢🤧 that has broken💔 out where the boil💧🔥 was. 21 But if, when the priest🤵 🔎examines🔍 it, there is ❌no❌ white hair in it 🅰️and it is ❌not❌ more than skin deep 🅰️and has faded, then the priest🤵 is to2️⃣ 🔒isolate🔒 them👥 for4️⃣ seven7️⃣ days📆. 22 If it is spreading🔪 in the skin, the priest🤵 shall pronounce🗣️ them👥 unclean; it is a🅰️ defiling🗄️🗃️🗂️📂📁 disease😷🤒🤢🤧. 23 But🍑 if the spot⚫ is unchanged 🅰️and has ❌not❌ spread🔪, it is only a🅰️ scar from the boil💧🔥, 🅰️and the priest🤵 shall pronounce🗣️ them👥 clean.

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