Leviticus 24:1-24:23

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Olive Oil and Bread Set Before the Lord

24 The Lord said🗣️ to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽, 2 “Command🗣️ the Israelites👥 to2️⃣ bring you clear oil🛢️ of pressed olives for4️⃣ the 💡🔆light🔆💡 so that the 💡lamps🏮🛋️ may be🐝 kept 🔥burning🔥 🔄continually🔄. 3 Outside the curtain that 🛡️shields🛡️ the ark⛵🛶 of the covenant law⚖️ in the tent⛺ of 🤝meeting🤝, 🅰️Aaron is to2️⃣ tend the 💡lamps🏮🛋️ 🐝before4️⃣ the Lord from 🌛evening🌜 till ⛅morning⛅, 🔄continually🔄. This is to2️⃣ be🐝 a🅰️ lasting 🅾️ordinance📜 for4️⃣ the generations👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 to2️⃣ come💦. 4 The 💡lamps🏮🛋️ on🔛 the pure 🎖️🏆gold🏅🥇 💡🏮🛋️lampstand🕴️ 🐝before4️⃣ the Lord must be🐝 tended 🔄continually🔄.

5 “Take the finest flour 🅰️and bake 1️⃣2️⃣twelve 🥖loaves🥖 of 🍞bread🥐, using 2️⃣two-tenths🔟 of 🅰️an ephah for4️⃣ each 🥖loaf🥖. 6 🅰️Arrange them👥 in two2️⃣ stacks, six6️⃣ in each stack, on🔛 the table of pure 🎖️🏆gold🏅🥇 🐝before4️⃣ the Lord.7 By each stack put some pure 🚬incense 🅰️as 🅰️a memorial⚰️⚱️ portion to2️⃣ represent🎁 the 🍞bread🥖 🅰️and to2️⃣ be🐝 a🅰️ 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶 offering 🎁presented to2️⃣ the Lord. 8 This 🍞bread🥖 is to2️⃣ be🐝 set out 🐝before4️⃣ the Lord regularly, Sabbath 🅰️after Sabbath, 🔛on 🐝behalf of the Israelites👥, 🅰️as 🅰️a lasting covenant. 9 It 🐝belongs↔️ to2️⃣ Aaron 🅰️and his sons👬, who 🅰️are to2️⃣ eat it in the sanctuary 🅰️area🌐, 🐝because it is a🅰️ most holy😇 part of their👥 perpetual share of the 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶 offerings 🎁presented to2️⃣ the Lord.”

A Blasphemer Put to Death

10 Now the son👦 of 🅰️an Israelite mother👵 and 🅰️an Egyptian🏜️ father👴 went out 🅰️among the Israelites👥, 🅰️and 🅰️a 🤼🤺fight🥊🥋 broke💔 out in the camp🎪🎭 ➡️between⬅️ him 🅰️and 🅰️an Israelite. 11 The son👦 of the Israelite woman👩 blasphemed the Name with a🅰️ curse💫; so they👥 brought him👦 to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽. (His👦 mother’s👵 name was Shelomith, the daughter👧 of Dibri the Danite.) 12 They👥 put him👦 in 🔒custody🔒 until the will of the Lord should be🐝 ⛏️⚒️made🛠️🔨 clear to2️⃣ them👥.

13 Then the Lord said🗣️ to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽: 14 “Take the blasphemer outside the camp🎪🎭. 🅰️All those who heard👂 him 🅰️are to2️⃣ lay🛏️🛌 their hands👐 on🔛 his head, 🅰️and the entire 🅰️assembly is to2️⃣ stone🗿 him. 15 Say🗣️ to2️⃣ the Israelites👥: ‘🅰️Anyone1️⃣ who curses💫 their God will be🐝 held💆 responsible; 16 🅰️anyone1️⃣ who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️. The entire 🅰️assembly must stone🗿 them👥. Whether 4️⃣foreigner 🅾️or 🥇native-born🤰, when they👥 blaspheme the Name they👥 🅰️are to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️.

17 “‘🅰️Anyone1️⃣ who takes the life of a🅰️ 👬👫👭human👬👫👭 🐝being is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️. 18 🅰️Anyone1️⃣ who takes the life of someone’s1️⃣ 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋 must ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 restitution ➖ life for4️⃣ life. 19 🅰️Anyone who injures their👥 neighbor is to2️⃣ be🐝 injured in the same manner: 20 fracture💔 for4️⃣ fracture💔, eye👁️ for4️⃣ eye👁️, tooth😀 for4️⃣ tooth😀. The one1️⃣ who has inflicted the injury must suffer the same injury. 21 Whoever ☠️kills☠️ 🅰️an 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋 must ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 restitution, but whoever ☠️kills☠️ a🅰️ 👬👫👭human👬👫👭 🐝being is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️. 22 You 🅰️are to2️⃣ have the same law⚖️ for4️⃣ the 4️⃣foreigner 🅰️and the 🥇native-born🤰. I 🅰️am the Lord your God.’”

23 Then Moses👴🏽 spoke🗣️ to2️⃣ the Israelites👥, 🅰️and they👥 took the blasphemer outside the camp🎪🎭 🅰️and stoned🗿 him. The Israelites👥 did 🅰️as the Lord commanded🗣️ Moses👴🏽.

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