Leviticus 5:1-5:19

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5 “‘If anyone1️⃣ sins😈 🐝because they👥 do 🚫not🚫 speak🗣️ up🆙 when they👥 hear👂 a🅰️ public charge to2️⃣ testify🗣️⚖️ regarding something they👥 have seen👀 or learned🎓 🆎about, they👥 will be🐝 held responsible.

2 “‘If 🅰️anyone1️⃣ 🐝becomes 🅰️aware that they👥 are guilty😓 ➖ if they👥 unwittingly touch👆👇 🅰️anything ceremonially unclean (whether the 🚗🚘carcass🍑 of 🅰️an unclean 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋, 😲wild😲 or domestic, or of 🅰️any unclean creature that moves 🅰️along the ground) 👥and 👥they 🅰️are unaware that they👥 have 🐝become unclean, but🍑 then they👥 come 2️⃣to 💯realize their guilt😓; 3 or if they touch👆👇 human uncleanness (🅰️anything that would ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 them👥 unclean) even though they👥 are unaware of it, but🍑 then they👥 learn🎓 of it 🅰️and realize their guilt; 4 or if anyone thoughtlessly takes 🅰️an 🗣️oath to2️⃣ do 🅰️anything, whether good👍👌👌 or evil😈👹👺 (in 🅰️any matter one1️⃣ might carelessly 😶swear 🆎about) even though they👥 are unaware of it, but🍑 then they👥 learn🎓 of it 🅰️and 💯realize their guilt😓 ➖ 5 when 🅰️anyone1️⃣ 🐝becomes aware that they👥 are guilty😓 in 🅰️any of these matters, they👥 must confess🗣️ in what way they👥 have 😈sinned. 6 As a🅰️ penalty for4️⃣ the sin😈 they👥 have committed, they👥 must bring to2️⃣ the Lord a🅰️ female♀️ 🐏lamb🐑 or goat🐐 from the 🐮🐄🐷🐖🐗🐪🐫flock🐏🐑🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥 🅰️as 🅰️a sin😈 offering; 🅰️and the priest🤵 shall ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 🅰️atonement 4️⃣for them👥 for4️⃣ their sin😈.

7 “‘🅰️Anyone1️⃣ who ⛔cannot⛔ afford a🅰️ 🐏lamb🐑 is to2️⃣ bring two2️⃣ doves🕊️ or two2️⃣ young👶 pigeons🐦 to2️⃣ the Lord as 🅰️a penalty for4️⃣ their sin😈 ➖ one1️⃣ for4️⃣ a🅰️ sin😈 offering 🅰️and the other for4️⃣ a🅰️ 🔥burnt🔥 offering. 8 They👥 are to2️⃣ bring them👥 to2️⃣ the priest🤵, who shall 🏆first🥇 offer the one1️⃣ for4️⃣ the sin😈 offering. He is to2️⃣ wring its head from its neck, 🚫not🚫 ➗dividing➗ it completely, 9 🅰️and is to2️⃣ splash💦 some of the blood of the sin😈 offering 🅰️against the side of the altar🛐; the 💤rest💤 of the blood must be🐝 drained out 🅰️at the base of the altar🛐. It is a🅰️ sin😈 offering. 10 The priest🤵 shall then offer the other 🅰️as 🅰️a 🔥burnt🔥 offering in the prescribed💊💉 way 🅰️and ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 🅰️atonement for4️⃣ them👥 for4️⃣ the sin😈 they👥 have committed, 🅰️and they will be🐝 4️⃣forgiven.

11 “‘If, however, they👥 ⛔cannot🚫 afford two2️⃣ doves🕊️ or two2️⃣ young👶 pigeons🐦, they👥 are 2️⃣to bring as 🅰️an offering for4️⃣ their sin😈 a🅰️ 🔟tenth of 🅰️an ephah of the finest flour for4️⃣ a🅰️ sin😈 offering. They👥 must 🚫not🚫 put olive oil🛢️ or incense🚬 on🔛 it, 🐝because it is a🅰️ sin😈 offering. 12 They👥 are to2️⃣ bring it to2️⃣ the priest🤵, who shall take a🅰️ handful🤚 of it as a🅰️ memorial portion and 🔥burn🔥 it on🔛 the altar🛐 on🔛 top🔝 of the 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶 offerings 🎁presented to2️⃣ the Lord. It is a🅰️ sin😈 offering. 13 In this way the priest🤵 will ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 🅰️atonement for4️⃣ them👥 for4️⃣ any of these sins😈 they👥 have committed, 🅰️and they👥 will be🐝 4️⃣forgiven. The 💤rest💤 of the offering will 🐝belong to2️⃣ the priest🤵, 🅰️as in the case of the grain🌽 offering.’”

The Guilt Offering

14 The Lord said🗣️ to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽: 15 “When anyone1️⃣ is unfaithful to2️⃣ the Lord by 😈sinning unintentionally in regard 2️⃣to 🅰️any of the Lord’s holy😇 things, they👥 🅰️are to2️⃣ bring to2️⃣ the Lord 🅰️as 🅰️a penalty 🅰️a ram🐃🐂 from the 🐮🐄🐷🐖🐗🐪🐫flock🐏🐑🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥, one1️⃣ ⛔without⛔ defect 🅰️and of the proper value in silver🥈, 🅰️according to2️⃣ the sanctuary shekel. It is 🅰️a guilt😓 offering. 16 They👥 must ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 restitution for4️⃣ what they👥 have ⛔failed⛔ to2️⃣ do in regard to2️⃣ the holy😇 things, 💰pay💰 🅰️an ➕additional penalty of a🅰️ fifth5️⃣ of its value 🅰️and give it 🅰️all 2️⃣to the priest🤵. The priest🤵 will ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 🅰️atonement for4️⃣ them👥 with the ram🐃🐂 as a🅰️ guilt😓 offering, 🅰️and they👥 will be🐝 4️⃣forgiven.

17 “If 🅰️anyone1️⃣ sins😈 🅰️and does what is 4️⃣forbidden in 🅰️any of the Lord’s commands🗣️, even though they👥 do ❌not❌ know🎓 it, they👥 🅰️are guilty😓 and will be🐝 held responsible. 18 They👥 are to2️⃣ bring to2️⃣ the priest🤵 as 🅰️a guilt😓 offering a🅰️ ram🐃🐂 from the 🐮🐄🐷🐖🐗🐪🐫flock🐏🐑🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥, one1️⃣ ⛔without⛔ defect 🅰️and of the proper value. In this way the priest🤵 will ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 🅰️atonement for4️⃣ them👥 for4️⃣ the wrong👎 they👥 have committed unintentionally, 🅰️and they👥 will be🐝 4️⃣forgiven. 19 It is a🅰️ guilt😓 offering; they👥 have 🐝been guilty😓 of 👎wrongdoing 🅰️against the Lord.”

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