fuckpetewentz: hey guys, thanks for coming over last night
fuckpetewentz: i'm so happy to have friends like you
beebosman: i'm crying in the club
ryansman: fuck off ryan it was sweat
dadlon: "sweat"
ilovephillester: why
ilovephillester: why are you the way that you are
dadlon: i love the office,,
ilovephillester: why am i friends with you guys
ilovephillester: nvm dallon i understand why we're friends
fuckpetewentz: guys pete just texted me from another account bc i blocked him
ilovedanhowell: what did he say ??
fuckpetewentz: he said that
fuckpetewentz: wait lemme show you
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fuckpetewentz: so that happened
tyjo: i'm coming back over
jishwa: me too.
ryansman: we're gonna skip school to see you
halsgirl: hals and i will too
beebosman: me too
kenneth: me too
dadlon: me too
fuckpetewentz: don't skip school for me
fuckpetewentz: i'm not that important
melsgirl: we're coming over weather you like it or not
geeee: coming over now with moikey
fronk: i'm here open up your door, shorty
fuckpetewentz: guys go to school
ilovedanhowell: too late, we all are here now
ilovephillester: yee
fuckpetewentz: c'mon guys it's unlocked
beebosman: don't forget to close it if you're the last one
ayooo guys i made the kik chats, and then i realized when i logged out, it deleted the chats and i was so frustrated, then i used my sister's phone after 5 minutes of asking, then i made it, and did it. finally !!