Dark Green (17)

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The third task was being held in the Quidditch field, or what use to be the Quidditch field. It now held a labyrinth of hedges filled with god knows what creatures. Juliet was about to have to go in there, which terrified both her, and her family and friends.

Since there were no rules against it, Juliet had brought along a couple of thing. A knife, a fully loaded muggle gun, and her cell phone. She had given Harry a decent sized switch blade not long ago, which he excepted oddly.

Juliet had her muggle phone in case something went wrong in there. If she was hurt, or any number of unseeable things, she could call her dad or put on her tracker. Something wasn't right here and he agreed.

Before going to the maze, where she would be going in first, Juliet pulled the twins into a hug, surprising everyone but George. She had never hugged anyone but George often enough for it to be normal.

"Something isn't right about this." Juliet said to them, while she was still in a hug. "If something happens, and I don't come back, remember that you guys are the best friends I ever could have asked for. Also, if something happens, don't let moody leave."

Juliet pulled away from the hug and walked to her place next to Harry without turning back. The boys were scared for her, because she said said something wasn't right then it wasn't.

The first impression Juliet got from the maze was that it contained a lot of magic, magic that wasn't suppose to be there. The maze closed behind her, and swallowed up all noise from the Hogwarts grounds, plunging her into deep silence, with nowhere else to go but forwards.

After tuning the first corner she realized that the maze changed, and that the walls were made of devils snare in some places. The snare was already creeping closer to her, ready to pull her into the hedge. She encounted her first monster soon after that.

Minutes ticked by while the crowd waited, feeling more on edge as the time passed. Sherlock was getting bored and started to talk with George, who he would to be more intelligent than he let on. It took a lot to keep up with his conversations, and he had practice with Juliet. He also had a bigger vocabulary than John did, making it more pleasant. The conversation came to a stand still not long after it started.

An hour and a half had gone by, and the school still sat waiting. Suddenly, the ground started to shake violently, coming from deep within the maze. Sherlock bolted up immediately, heading over to Dumbledore.

"Get her out." He said simply, as the ground still rumbled slightly.

"I can't do that, sir." He said confused.

"Get her out!" He said firmly. "She's in trouble!"

The ground stopped shaking, and the sound was replaced with ear shattering screams. Screams belonging to Juliet. The whole school rated silent, and Fred and George were frozen in shock. What was going on in there?

The thing Sherlock knew better than anyone else, was how Juliet reacted when she was in pain. Something about her magic made the earth quake for as long as she could hold back a scream. He found that out when Juliet came undercover with him for the first time.

In the maze, Juliet had turned the corner and walked right into a bright red curse. The cruciartus curse had been castes by Victor Krum, who had obviously been under the other unforgivable curse. She grit her teeth through the pain, feeling like everything around her was moving. She didn't care, she was focused on swallowing a scream from the intense pain she felt at the moment. Once the scream bubbled out, she couldn't stop it. It didn't help release the pain, but it would attract Harry who would help her.

Harry followed the sound and came across the surprising scene. Instinct kicked in and he stunned Krum instantly. He had gone over to him to do more damage, when Juliet stopped him.

"He's bewitched. Something isn't right here, Harry." She said, having risen to her feet. The two of them heading in the same direction as Juliet pulled out her phone.

Sherlock had been restrained by the adults, having tried to go into the maze. His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he couldn't get it. It started ringing loudly after that making Sherlock resist his magical restrains. John sighed and reached in her pocket, seeing Juliet's name appear on the scream.

"Its Juliet." He said answering it and putting it on speaker, waving over the headmaster. The twins came over as fast as they could.

"Juliet?" Sherlock said, answering the phone held next to him.

"Yeah , hey. I'm fine." She said, sounding weak.

"What was that?" Dumbledore asked, knowing how a muggle phone worked.

"The cruciartus curse. This whole thing was a trap." Juliet said bitterly. "Krum was put under the imperious curse."

"Juliet," George said, his voice said it all. He was scared to death of losing her. Harry's voice could be heard calling her over, and she stayed quit for a moment before responding.

"I'll be fine. I've got to go, bye." She said, before the line went dead. Her voice held something similar to Georges, something he'd never heard from her before.

Those two sentences told him everything he needed to know. It told him that she will do whatever it takes to get back to him.

Juliet returned the phone to her pocket, and walking over to where Harry was. He had found the cup, but was being cornered by an oversized acromatula. Juliet pulled out her gun and shot it several times before it could jump on Harry.

"Together?" Harry asked, Juliet nodded with an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

He counted to three, and the two of them each grabbed one handle of the cup. To their surprise, the world around them blurred and stretched and they were greeted with the unpleasant feeling of using a port key.

They resurfaced in a grim graveyard, and Juliet knew exactly what was going on. The headstone nearest to her reading someone with the last name riddle.

"Fuck, Harry run!" Juliet said, looking around for her wand that she had dropped. Harry didn't run, and just stared ahead. A figure was approaching, carrying with it a baby like object.

Juliet had found her wand, but as soon as she stood to shoot a spell, she was greeted with a dark green light.

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