Charity Burbage (53)

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"Do you know anything about Charity Burbage?" Kingsley Shaklebolt asked her, as soon as she, and George walked into the order meeting a few weeks later. Violet was already there, sitting quietly in her seat.

"Should I?" She asked, ignoring the way everyone's eyes were on her when she walked in.

"She was the muggle studies teacher at Hogwarts. They just... identified her body" Remus said, trying to be light with his words. He knew her.

"I took muggle studies but can't place her face for some reason" Juliet answered, wracking her brain for an answer. She knew she should know her, but honstley couldn't remember.

"Oh, wait!" Violet said suddenly, fake realization in her voice. Juliet's eyes were on her, deducting everything she could. "They got her at the start of the summer. We played around with her for a bit then they kept her over the table. It was about a week before The Dark Lord killed her and gave her to Nagini, remember? Oh wait-"

In an instant, Juliet was up out of her seat and had Violet against the wall, her arm pressed to her throat. Everyone pointed their wands on instinct, not having any idea what happened. Juliet didn't ever snap like that, and Violet didn't ever speak unless asked something. They were scared, but not nearly as much as Juliet and George were. He hated seeing Juliet like that,  more than anything, an she hated it too, meaning she had to have a good reason to react that way.

"What did you do to me?" She asked her harshly.  

Violet laugh, and Juliet slammed her against the wall again Juliet was scared, only George could see that, as the others took that fear and turned it into madness.

"Why can't I remember her?" She asked, speaking through clenched teeth.

"You got carried away" Violet said in the sultry voice she used when mocking someone. "They left you alone with her while no one could see you and you just couldn't help yourself. You showed them who you really were, but you just couldn't take it. You came running to me begging me to take it out. To erase the memory of you-"

All at once, Juliet lunged for Violet, screaming that she was lying. Before anyone really knew what happened, George was in between her and Violet, Juliet's knife in his hand that no one even saw her pull out. Violet was laughing as Juliet stared at her with enough hate that they thought she would drop dead right then. She continued laughing which infuriated George.

"You need to stop with your idiotic laughing and grow up" He said, making everyone gasp when he threw the knife at her. Many order members closed their eyes, fearing the worst, only to find that it lodged itself deep into the wall directly next to her head, cutting only her laughter short. "Stop trying to provoke her and speak like a normal person."

"Nice aim. Where did you find a catch like that, Juliet?" She asked, still using her teasing voice. George pulled his own knife out of his pocket and threw it at the other side of her head. "Okay, okay! No need to use my head as target practice!"

Everyone took their seats once more, following their lead, and George couldn't help but be glad his parents missed out on this meeting. Though, Fred and Lee's faces were enough to make him think his actions were a little extreme. At the same time he knew that violence was the only way to get through to Violet. 

Fred was more shocked than anyone. His brother had changed. Being with Juliet had hardened him, or more, embraced his full potential. George had always been the one to like stuff like that, and was the more intense of the two, and she taught him how to embrace that darkness in him. That's what drew him to Juliet in the first place, though he would never admit it. He liked the mystery, and the danger, and throwing knives and knowing things.

"It really wasn't that bad. They left you in with her and you did rough her up a bit but it was all very basic stuff" Violet said, "but you still felt very guilty. I knew it would weigh on your conscious so I just... took it out."

"So the death eaters were responsible for her death?" One asked, "Why?"

"She was the muggle studies teacher, which brings us to the current issue we have been discuss" Violet started, 

"They want to make Snape headmaster of Hogwarts, and put in the Carrows as Defense and Muggle studies teachers" Juliet finished, crossing her arms over her chest. "Actually, they have. It'll be in tomorrows papers."

The whole room erupted in outrage, no one believing what had just been said. The Carrows were the original torture twins, and it was obvious that they wouldn't treat the students much better than you'd think.

"What can we do?" Kingley asked, truly at a loss for words.

"To stop it? Nothing." Juliet said, her frown deep, "but I have been offered several positions there that might help the students."

"Positions?" Remus asked, leaning forward tentatively. 

"Hospital wing, teaching, advising, torture, you name it and i've been offered." She said, "It's why they kept me so long at the meeting this morning. The only thing I haven't been offered is defense against the dark arts and muggle studies. They want to brainwash the students, and teach them dark magic and call the class dark arts instead of 'defense against'. I think I can get muggle studies if I push hard enough."

She's glad she had spoken to George about it before coming to the meeting. She would have to be away from him a lot, and the position would be hard. It would put her in a compromising situation, and none of them had realized that yet. Except Remus, because he was a teacher once too, and knew what it was like to not help a student in need. To sit back and watch as something bad happened that couldn't be changed.

"Can you do it?" He asked her, bursting everyone's relieved bubble with his serious tone. "Mentally, can you handle it?"

"I don't know" She admitted, her voice sounding far away.

"What do you mean?" Some one asked, not understanding what he meant.

"She would have to sit back and watch students be tortured. The amount of good she would be doing wouldn't a fourth of the bad the Carrow's will. She'll want to talk to students she can't, heal student's that she can't." Remus explained, "This idea may work, but for how long? How long until they figure where her loyalties actually lie, and kill her for it?"

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