Congratulations (39)

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Juliet didn't tell the others what she had planned, and simply put herself to work the next morning. When Lee and Katie came in, She stayed quiet but George could see that she was reading up on her. She must have found something she liked because she smirked.

"This is going to be easier than I thought." Juliet said to George in a almost seductive tone, leaning in close to his ear. Before he could say anything back to her she was walking in Katie's direction.

"Hello Katie. Lee." Juliet said pleasently.

"Hello Juliet." Lee said nervously, while Katie just smiled.

"I just wanted to say congratulations." She said with a smirk, before turning around like nothing happened.

"Wait- for what?" Lee asked, grabbing Juliets arm.

"Like you don't know." She said slyly, turning to Katie who was staring at her shocked. Juliet adapted a similar expression mixed with guilt and sympathy. "Oh."

"Oh what?" Lee asked, confused. George and Fred has stopped to watch, wondering where she was going with this.

"Katie's pregnant but by the looks of it... It's not yours." Juliet said, faking awkwardness.

"Listen here you freak-" Katie started angrily, pointing her finger at Juliet. She was about to come closer when Lee stepped between them.

"Is it true?" Lee asked her curiously.

"Yes but-" she tried, she didn't look sad, just mad.

"But what?" Lee asked,

"Nothing. Now's a time as any to break it off with you." She said glaring at Juliet who looked satisfied. "Goodbye."

With that Katie left, leaving the four of them standing their. Lee looked a mix between shocked and relived. Fred was just surprised.

"Thanks I guess. I know you did it on purpose." Lee said to her with a confused smile. Juliet just winked and walked away from them, knowing they would want to talk a bit.

Later that day Juliet was back at Malfoy Mannor, just hanging out. It would seem suspicious if she was never their, so she made it a habit to come unannounced. Most often they would need her help with something, and she would assist, but was never called on except for meetings. They didn't know that she was still staying with the Weasleys, even though she didn't exactly hide it. They assumed she was staying with her father.

When she returned home from from the Mannor one day, well into November, she found Fred panicking as well as order members. She didn't know what was going on.

"He's gone." Fred said to her, his voice laced with concern. "I got back from Lee's and the place was a meds and George is gone."

"Have you touched anything?" Juliet asked, instantly making her way up the stairs to the flat. The order members followed closely behind.

"No. He wouldn't let anyone up there till you got back." Kingsley said, sounding slightly agitated. She noticed the drag marks on the floor with a flare of anger. Why didn't they just appriate?

"And good thing too. You would have messed everything up." She snapped, examining the busted lock on the door.

She swung the door open, and took the room in quickly. This was a good, old fashioned, struggle. There was no magic used, and Georges wand was still in the basket on the coffee table. He was sitting on the couch when they came in, and didn't have time to grab it. He was attacked by whoever it was, and fought back successfully making a mess. He was knocked out, and dragged up to the roof. They all watched as she sniffed the air, smelling the familiar scent of chloroform that none of them could identify but her.

"It wasn't death eaters." Juliet said turning to the others who were watching her closely.

"Who was it then?" Fred asked confused.

"I'll be back with George by dinner." She said, sounding annoyed. She knew exactly where he was. They watched her grab a gun that's as strapped under the kitchen table, and walk out the front door.

"I didn't even know that was there." Fred said confused.

Juliet appeared outside of her uncle's building, letting herself in. They all knew who she was, so no one stopped her as she stopped her way over to the interigation rooms where George was tied to a chair, with her uncle stood in front of him. He looked up in surprise when Juliet barged in.

"You have got to be kidding me." Juliet said, throwing her gun onto the table and untying George without a second thought. He had never met Mycroft and was probably really confused.

"You weren't answering your phone." Mycroft said, as if it explained everything.

"So you kidnap and drug my boyfriend to get me attention?" She asked angrily, pulling George upas he was loopy. "What do you want anyway?"

"To offer my help." Mycroft said simply. "Believe it or not I might be useful to your cause."

Juliet glared, and picked her gun back up off the table, shooting the nearest gaurd in the leg making him scream and George jump. They must have drugged him good.

"Even?" Mycroft sighed, not impressed

" I'll talk to the others and see what they think." She said, appreating away with George. She took him home where the others were still at, and tossed him on the couch making them jump.

" Is he okay? What happened?" Fred asked, as he and Molly rushed to his side.

"He's fine. My uncle was mad I wasn't answering my phone, so he just wanted to get my attention." Juliet said, putting the gun back under the table. "They drugged him but-"

"Drugged?" Molly gasped, feeling her son's forehead.

"Yeah but he wants to help the order." Juliet said, mostly to the other order members.

"No offense, but how is he going to help us?" Remus asked, standing with Tonks.

"He runs the entire muggle government." Juliet answered, "and has people trained to get information and recruits and to kill. That's hundereds of soldiers, who may not know magic but know their way around a gun.?

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