Mistaken (62)

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"Both of you?" She asked surprised, "I thought for sure Violet was with us."

"Then you were an idiot," Violet said from behind her. 

No one in the room knew what to do, and were all waiting for something happen. They all had one thought in mind, and that was that they were glad she was going to die. They watched her let go of George, who slipped away to Juliet's side with his gun trained on her as she taught him. Juliet wanted to kill her more than she ever had before, but something about it didn't seem right. She wanted to do better and killing her in front of all these people just because she could was not better. She dropped her gun, and so did George.

"I'll take her," Violet said happily, grabbing their mother by the hair. 

"No! Kill me! Don't take me to him-" She screamed as Violet took her out. She was interrupted by Violet slamming the door shut, and the room was once again filled with only the sound of crying. Just as George was about to turn to his family, Juliet grabbed his face and made him look at her before he could see them.

"Hey," She said with a soft smile. She wanted him to stay innocent for just a little longer, she wanted to save him from hurting. He knew something was wrong, and his eyes filled with fear and he shook his head.

"No." Was all he said, allowing Juliet to stop him from looking.

"Charlie, he-" Juliet started, not knowing how to tell him. "I did what I could and more."

George looked at her with a lost expression, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. As much as she wished it wasn't so, he needed to face it, and his family needed him, so she took him by the hand and turned him around. 

Juliet took that time to properly look around for the first time, as she had been too preoccupied with the living to even think of the dead. She was surprised to see Tonks there, as she had just had Teddy the day before, but she was even more surprised to see her crying over her husband's dead body. From that, she had to look away, and her eyes found Colin Creevy, then Lavander Brown, then a few others that she recognized, and many that she didn't.

 She noticed Harry slip out of the hall, with his eyes full of tears as he snuck one last look at the Weasley's. She knew what he was doing- he was going to see Voldemort. Too many people were dead, and only more would join them if he didn't. She knew he was doing the right thing, even if his friends couldn't understand. She had a theory about what was going to happen, and she could only pray she was right.

She stayed by George's side as he approached his family, hating that she couldn't have done more. After a moment she realized that Tonks was alone, and she touched Georges shoulder lightly to let him know she was going to go to her. He didn't mind of course, and Tonks jumped about a mile in the air when she sat down next to her.

"It's almost over," She said, all she fell into her arms and started to sob.

"How do you know?"

No even a few seconds after she said that the dark Lord's voice rang out again, this time with the news of Harry Potters death, and a call for them to witness it. Everyone was quite for a moment in fear, and Juliets eyes found Georges before they all stood to see what he wanted them too. They walked out hand in hand, leading the group of grief stricken people to the courtyard, all too scared to say a word.

Harry was being held in Hagrids arms, who was crying his eyes out. It only took Juliet a second to determine that Harry wasn't dead, and was unable to stop the smile that formed on her face. George saw and let out a sigh of relief, but then he saw her smile dissapeare completely which made his eyes snap back to the scene in front of him.

On the ground was the corpse of Bellitrix Lestrange, and next to it was Violet's. There was no mistaking the fact that they were dead, and Juliet released George's hand in surprise. He didn't take it back, even though he wanted too. George looked at Fred, his heart hurting at the thought of losing him just like Juliet had lost Violet. They were at a loss and both thinking the same thing.

"Harry Potter is dead, and at my feet is an example of anyone who cares defy me," The dark lord shouted at the crowd. "Harry Potter and Juliet Holmes can not save you anymore."

They all stood there confused for a moment, not understanding why he said her name, then it dawned on her that he thought he had killed Juliet and not Violet.

"You're actually an idiot," Juliet said suddenly, being heard clearly through the otherwise silence. George took her hand in surprise and fear, absolutely shocked at the fact she would say something and draw attention to herself. The look on her face said the same thing.

"Violet," He said, "You can come over here now."

"You killed Violet, not me, and you are absolutely screwed," She told him, giving Harry enough time to run away before pointing behind him where Harry no longer was.

When Voldemort turned his back, Juliet turned around as well and headed back into the building with George leading her. They knew the fighting would start again and that she would be a target even more than before because they were scared of her. They needed to be out of harm's way before that and luckily they were, entering the great Hall again and making their way to the window. Tonks joined them there, looking outside as George explained to her quickly what happened since she didn't go out there.

Juliet didn't care to watch outside, so she sat down on the ground with her back against the wall and her hand on her stomach. She was sad, and releived at the same time. She was sad that so many people died, but she was relieved that their daughter would grow up safe and happy. She felt a tear slip down her face followed by many many more but didn't care. She also didn't care that George stayed focused on the fighting taking place outside. He was transfixed in horror, not knowing what was going to happen anymore until the fighting stopped dead in it's tracks at the sight of Harry and Voldemort fighting one on one in the middle of the courtyard.

Juliet could see the light reflecting on to the floor from the spells that had clashed together. Red and Green, and for a moment the green overpowered and her heart seemed to stop. She wanted to stand and look but had become transfixed as well at the reflective spot on the floor.

Suddenly the red regained control and with a bright flash the lights disappeared all together. For a money she didn't know what happened, until George dropped to the floor in front of her and started to cry, and cheers could be heard from outside from the celebrating people. They had won.

They had won.

I'm about to cry right now guys, I can't believe that it's over. There will be an epilouge of course. Thank you everyone for your support and reads and oh my goodness I'm so shook right now. It's over.

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