Ch.2 The Silent, the Child, and the Flame.

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"Come on sister, come on, I reeeeeaaaalllyy want a twirlandy, please, please, please can I have one" whined a small boy with short wavy brown hair and a look of effort in his face. For he was pulling in the hand of a cloaked figure trying to pull them towards the sweet stand a few feet away. The cloaked figure made no movement and simply stood there as the young boy continued to try and vain to move her.

"PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSEEEE" the boy whined before finally giving up on pulling her towards the stand, he simply took a step back and gave her the most pleading, large, adorable puppy eyes, and even bit his lip as if he were about to cry. The cloaked figure stood still before finally glancing down at her brother. "YAY" cried the boy as he ran to the stand, his sister following closely behind. 

"Hi, lady." The boy said to the shopkeeper

"Why hello there little boy, what's your name?"

"My names Niko." The boy replied with a smile.

"Well, then Niko what would you like"

"I want a strawberry and uhhhh.........vanilla twirlandy please"

"Alrighty then, that'll be 3 dinnils" The shopkeeper said before raising her glance to meet the in of the boys caretaker and all she saw was black. Slightly concerned by this her smile wavered but stayed in place to show that there was no hard feelings. The cloaked figures hand suddenly shot out and placed the 3 dinnils onto the counter. Pleased by this the lady picked up a white candy stick and a red candy stick. Muttering an incantation the two candy sticks suddenly began floating in the air. Muttering another incantation the candy sticks began to melt and then they flew together fusing into one. Niko watched in awe as the candy hardened and then twisted in the air so that it was horizontal and then land on a napkin prespread and waiting. With that Niko picked up his newly aqcuired treat and began sucking on it with delight. The strawberry and the vanilla mixed together extremely well making a nearly irresistible blend of flavors. 

"Thank you mam" Niko said after removing the sucker out of his mouth. The lady simply smiled and said "No problem, have a nice day". With that Niko and his sister continued to make their way through town. Now a cloaked figure following a small child was bound to bring some unwanted attention, many people would give them sideways glances as if trying to figure out if the cloaked person was a threat or not to the child. Even though cloaked figures were not uncommon in this time and age, it still brought worry to those who had kind hearts.

Niko and his sister were travelers, and an unlikely traveling duo at that. A seven year old boy and his mysterious older sister, some people who have seen them before were convinced that the so called sister wasn't even human. The only person to get a good look at her face was her brother, no one else. Niko was a healthy young boy with scrappy brown hair and playful brown eyes to match. His dimples showed a face that was almost always smiles and laughter. His skin was just barely tinted with the beginning of a tan and his infectious energy and cheer made him quite popular among townsfolk. Even if they only see him for a moment. His sister on the other hand was a whole other story. Her black cloak covered everything from her head all the way down to her feet. Completely covered in shadows she gave off a foreboding and dangerous feeling, the complete opposite from her brother, but if someone would just watch them for a moment longer they would see a kind heart who simply wanted to protect the thing she cherished most. All forms of body language pointed to her being protective of her brother, most would think a bit overprotective; but none the less the strange duo strolled down the street one oblivious to the stares and the other ignoring them. 

"Sister I love this town it has so many cool thingys". The sister seemed to show no reply. "I wonder how big it is, maybe it's bigger then the last town we visited, it probably is the last town we busted was small. Do you remember sister, do you remember how small that town was?" Niko turned expectantly at his sister waiting for a response. Her head gave a slight tip to the left then she slightly squinted her eyes, Niko saw this and immediately knew exactly what she said, as if she had said it out loud for the whole world to hear. She used her eyes to speak with him and he understood everything she said. 

The town of Fiorro was relatively big, not a major city though. Around 10,000 to 20,000 people lived there and tourists came and went to a short amount. A great place to lay low. Ping. Quickly checking behind her, she looked for him; but he was not there. 

"What's wrong sister" Niko asked, perplexed by his sisters sudden movement. Not looking back at him she continued to stare off, down the street. suddenly a large flame shot over head. Spinning to face it believing it was an enemy she was slightly surprised and kind of caught of guard that it was just a street performer. Niko squealed in delight and ran forward to get a better look at this fiery street act. A crowd had already gathered but it was very spread out, there in the middle stood the actor, his hair was just as bright orange as his flames, some would even mistake it for flames and believe his head was engulfed in them. His eyes were the same vibrant hue as his hair making for a spectacle whenever he held a flame over his face. His skin had toned to a light brown from all of the contact of fire and he was smiling as if he had just won all the hunni's in the world.(Hunni is another way of saying money) It was clear to see that he to was a magic user, practically everyone in all of Maxia was, but fire magic is particularly hard to control so to see one master it and control it with such ease. Niko and his sister couldn't help but be impressed. He then spiraled up a small fireball and shot it into the air where it exploded and floated back down like sparkling rain. Niko was awestruck and even tried to touch one of the falling embers. The street magician saw this and reached over to stop him, luckily he did by grabbing the boys wrist and pulling his hand away, but that's not what his sister saw. What she saw was a potentially dangerous wizard grabbing her brother, naturally this sent out a bunch of red flags. Fast as lightning she pulled her brothers hand out of the magicians grip before pulling his collar so that he could see her face, what he saw was rage , she glared him down and he could feel the hatred and tension radiating off of her. 

The orange haired guy didn't say anything and the audience just watched in silent, waiting to see what would happen. The silence stretched on to what felt like hours before she reliezed his collar and backed away. After that, she turned to check in her brother whom she had pushed behind her to keep him safe and checked to see if he had gotten hurt. 

"I'm fine sister." Niko replied. The silence finally broken. Showing no emotion she lifted her brother up by his pits and pulled him to her chest in order to carry him like a koala. Hugging tight Niko and his sister left the area and continued on their way in silence. The fire magician watching them leave curiously written all over his face.

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