Ch.5 Friend or Foe

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There was an explosion and fire; so much fire. It's hot, it burns. Wandering through the flames that was once thier home, he's here, he's here to kill. Scared they try to find a way out of the flames but they're everywhere. Whoosh. The flames are gone now. It feels cold, really cold, freezing cold. They hold onto each other for warmth, then the cold leaves and so does their home, all that's left is black, black and dark, just like the shadows. "Children" a voice cried in the darkness. "children" it was getting softer. "hello" they cried, "Who's there" they voice had gone silent;....suddenly a scream assaulted their ears, it was so loud and pain-filled, make it stop, it hurts, please make it stop, make it stop MAKE IT STOP. Laughter soon joined the screams and there pitch grew. "Its almost your time sweetie, don't forget who you belong to" a menacing voice whispered to them. "Another voiced soon joined in "Your blood will be mine......Now.....DIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!"  The girl sat up with a start, gasping for air, a dream, it was just a dream.

"Hey, you're awake, that's good, for a while there I thought that blond bastard got the better of you." The girl was startled to see the orange hair fire mage again. She stared up at him in absolute shock when everything that happened came rushing back to her. Afraid for her brother she began frantically searching for her brother, or at least she tried to but, her arm suddenly began burning and she collapsed, leaning against the tree, she began gasping for air, the pain from the arrow still fresh in her mind and in her arm. 

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down now. Your arm is still suffering from the red magic overload in your arm. I injected a removal spell into it but it's been taking longer than I thou-" He stopped mid-sentence cause it was then the girl pulled out her dagger and had it pointed at him. He showed no fear, he mainly seemed indifferent of the fact that she had a deadly weapon pointed at his throat. "Your brother is over there, he's resting and look I have no idea what you did to him but try no to ever do it again." He replied calmly before backing away to grab some medical tools. The girl looks bewildered, staring him down trying to figure out what his motive is. Ignoring him for now she turned her head to find her brother and saw him sleeping against a tree, a small blanket covering his frail body. He looked peaceful but she could faintly see the tear streaks staining his cheeks. Guilt began gnawing at her, he must of been so scared.

"Hey, I was just wondering, what on earth did that douche want with you?" Remembering the fire mage she turned to him and met his gaze. "Well?" he asked politely. Turning her head away so that her gaze would no longer be on him. She seemed to be in deep thought.

"Good morning..." muttered Niko sleepily. Sitting up while rubbing his eyes. Once again, the sister tried to move and get to her brother but her arm wouldn't let her. "Sister, you're awake!" The young boy cried as he ran to his sister eager to see her finally awake. Even though her arm burned with pain she still reached out to embrace her brother. "Oh, sister I was so worried." Niko whimpered as he buried himself into his sisters loving embrace. The fire made sat a respectful distance away watching as brother and sister held each other as if the other would disappear if they were to let go. Pushing her brother away so that he could see her eyes, she began talking to him. 

"Oh, well when I woke up, Hetsu was carrying me and you..." Niko started when her sister raised her hand up to stop him. She gave a questioning look, then Niko pointed at the fire mage and said "He is". The sister looked at him skeptically, Niko saw this, he could see the distrust in her eyes, and when he looked at Hetsu he just looked uncomfortable. "Sister, he saved us, he told me everything that happened, can you please try to be nice to someone other than me for once, pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaasssseeee." Whined Niko as he gave her the biggest puppy dog eyes possible. The sister returned her gaze, giving him a poker face, expressionless. He even began to whine, just like a small lost puppy. Keeping a poker face, she continued to stare down at her brother until it began to waver. Dropping her gaze, it was the sign he needed, the sign that she had given in. 

"Ummmm" Hetsu mumbled, "Sorry, but I have no idea what's going on here, Niko do you mind explaining please I..uh... I can't understand you guys weird eye language thing." 

"No problem" Niko said eagerly. Silence soon followed as all three just sat there, looking at one another. 

"Ummm, Hetsu, what is it you want me to do?" Niko asked hesitantly.

"Just tell her what happened." Hetsu replied in a calm even voice, while trying to avoid the death glare his sister was giving him. 

"Well, I woke up with Hetsu carrying us, I got really scared because I didn't know where I was and you were not waking up. Hetsu said that he was helping us but, so I tried to escape 'cause I didn't trust him....and....later..umm OH!" Niko continued on with his tale of what had happened and being a young child he messed up a lot and lost some details, eventually Hetsu had to take over because it was taking too long for Niko to explain. Once they finished there tale the sister just sat there. Leaning towards her brother she used her eyes to tell Niko to ask Hetsu a question. 

"She wants to know what happened to the blond hair guy that you fought, and I want to know to?" 

"Well, when you guys passed out my first objective was to get you guys as far away as possible, which I did, but when I went back to question him, he was gone. I have no idea what happened to him but he'll be burning mad with the scar I gave him." He ended with a chuckle at his pun. 

The sister looked at this fire mage and distrust was still written all over her face but it did hold a bit of respect as well. Turning away she attempted to pick herself off the ground, her arm was still in a lot of pain but she didn't care.

"Here let me help." Hetsu offered as he moved forward to help. She shot him a glare but he completely ignored it and grabbed her healthy arm and pulled her up. Grunting with effort they got her to her feet and as soon as they did she ripped her arm out of his grasp. She faced him, then bowed. Her way of saying thank you. She then began walking to grab her back and be on her way when she realized something. She had no idea where she was which could only mean one thing, they were lost. She looked around for any familiar land markings that could help them find there way but nothing showed up. She looked exasperated.

"Hey, I can tel that you guys are travelers and not many go through these woods, if you want I can help you get to the next of charge" Hetsu said with a cheeky smile knowing exactly what the answer would be. Crossing her arms she was the picture of defiance until her brother began jumping up and down saying " Really, you would do that for us?"

"Mhmm" Hetsu replied. 

The sister continued to stare him down, hating how attached her brother seemed to be with this scoundrel. Admitting  defeat she bowed her head once again and left if hanging. 

"Yay, she said yes" Niko cried eagerly. "Let's go!" The boy ran off in a direction both mages watching him run, before chasing after him into the woods.

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