Ch.15 A Giant Problem

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"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" Lady smacked Hetsu on the head preventing him from finishing that word and then used her weight to knock him over onto the the side of the road, barely missing being smashed by a giants fist. The giant roared with anger and went for another strike, only to be met with the stinging sensation as Lady's dagger slashed through the skin of his knuckles. He reared his hand back and began to examine the damage. Blood was oozing through but it was small, so he went for another strike only to find that his prey had fled. Growing mad, the giant slammed both of his fists into the ground causing giant towers of stone to shoot up from the ground. One of them with Lady and Hetsu on top. Hetsu held his hand over his mouth to hold back the string of curses threatening to spill through while Lady calmly activated her magic, surrounding them in a large wind bubble to keep them from flying off somewhere again. The giant roared at them once again before yelling in a raging voice, "GET DOWN HERE YOU FILTHY HUMANS!!" 

Hetsu near immediately began to taunt the giant from within the bubble. Receiving another smack on the head from Lady and a barrage of boulders aiming straight for them. Just as the rocks were about to hit, Lady popped her bubble causing them to fall once again. Lady, then used her magic to make a wind board, and proceeded to dodge all of the rocks by surfing through them. Hetsu, who did not receive a wind board and was still falling, called for Lady and then remembered that he had an ace up his sleeve. His hands lit up with flames and he thrust himself upward next to Lady. The giant began to raise up more boulders in the air, ready to launch them.

 Giants are very powerful and intimidating creatures, while humans magic is normally limited to levitation and a few easy spells. Elemental magic such as Air, fire, earth, etc, is extremely hard to learn and takes years upon years to master, for humans that is. Giants are humongous creatures who have a strong connection to the earth , therefore there power is linked to it and they have the ability to use earth magic. 

As the duo dodged another platoon of boulders, Lady and Hetsu ended up next to each other, thousands of feet in the air. In order to escape the boulders they both flew up out of the Giant's reach. Hetsu and Lady were both breathing heavily. Lady then glared at Hetsu. 

"What!" Hetsu muttered to out of breath to sound annoyed. Lady continued her glare. "Ugh, fine I'm sorry that I poked the giant, you happy now" Hetsu grumbled. Lady's glare left and her head snapped back to the giant, refocusing on the task at hand. Lady lifted her hands and behind her a miniature tornado began to form. Lady launched it at the Giant who immediately blocked it with a pillar of condensed earth. The Giant then leapt upon his pillar and then launched himself at the two mages in the air. Lady let go of her air spell and once again, allowed herself to fall, Hetsu not to far after her. The giant then sailed over them and landed with a monstrous thud, that even shook them as they fell through the air. The Giant moaned and placed a hand on his temple. That was going to leave a massive headache. Lady activated her magic again to prevent them from dying of impact and lowered them to the ground. The Giant roared and charged at them once more. There was a small trickle of blood dripping down his forehead, but he clearly gave no mind to it as he charged forward, his eyes full of hatred. Two more steps and the giant would be upon them. Hetsu quickly glanced at Lady only to find her gone. Turning back Hetsu saw that Lady had launched herself straight towards the Giant and had stopped no more then a few feet away from him. She lifted her hands above her head and sent a ginormous blast of wind straight at the giants face. The giant simply clapped his hands and sent a pillar of earth barreling straight towards her, slamming into and causing blood to spew from her mouth. Lady went flying and Hetsu watched with horror, before running towards where she would land, only to be stopped by the giant as a fist came down in front of his path, startling him. The giant made no move to attack him, but he was still panting hard. Hetsu stood still, his hands in fists. The giant continued to pant and neither dared to make a move. Hetsu's began to tremble, his hands were shaking and his face was cast down to the ground. The giant then lifted his fist up and fell down on his side; fast asleep. Hetsu stared at the giant for a second to make sure that he was truly asleep before turning to where Lady should have landed only to see her walking towards him, her shoulders and upper back were bent forward and she was wheezing. "Lady!!" Hetsu shouted before running to her aide. As soon as he caught up with her, he tried to reach under her cloak in order to grab her arm and help her along. As soon as Hetsu's hand came in contact with her cloak she backed away quickly and continued to pant and wheeze. 

"La-" Hetsu said in a concerned yet confused tone, but before he could finish Lady raised her hand in the air, a motion for silence. Before leaning forward and collapsing in Hetsu's arms as he rushed to catch her. Lady continued to pant and wheeze. Hetsu looked down at her and a small smile came across his face. 

"Next time at least try and warn me when you're going to do something crazy." Lady's panting paused for a second before continuing again. She had stopped to smile. Lady then pushed herself out of Hetsu's arms, and together they started to walk back towards the camp they had set up earlier. Once they arrived they found Niko still fast asleep, even after the earth shook like an earthquake. Lady collapsed next to him, wrapped her arms around him and then fell fast asleep. Hetsu was not that far after her. Laying down next to the fire, playing with the flames until sleep claimed him. 

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