Ch.6 Hatred

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Two days. Two days had past and they WERE STILL IN THAT GOD DAMN FOREST. The sister was steaming with rage that this Hetsu character claimed to know the right way but seemed to have no idea where he was going; not only that but her brother seemed to look up to that psycho. She couldn't understand what he saw in him. Hetsu trailed ahead as sure as a bloodhound burning away any brush that got in their way. She knew this would leave a vey damn obvious trail and when she tried so tell them this Hetsu just laughed it off because he had no idea what she was saying and her brother just laughed with him. It was absolutely infuriating, but remembering that this idiot of a mage not only saved her life but her brothers as well kept her from attacking that son of a bitch. Although she kept her blade handy incase an opportunity might present itself.  While he carved a path, she remained vigilant and Niko traveled between them, carefree as ever. 

The trip had been pretty calm, no monster attacks and blondie hadn't returned. The sun was setting so that meant they would have to set up camp once again. A clearing appeared up ahead, the perfect place to rest.  Burning a path straight they entered the clearing, Hetsu lunged in to make sure it was safe, Niko peeping from behind him. 

"Looks clear, and really pretty too" Hetsu remarked spreading his arms out to take in the fresh sunlight pouring down. He had a smirk plastered across his face as Niko ran in, frolicking in the sunshine. The sister followed them shortly after, lifting her hands up to block out the light for it hurt her eyes after being in the shadows for so long. Blinking to adjust her eyes she removed her arm to come face to face with the fire mage. His smirk still stuck to his face as he stared her down in a playful way, only he was met with a side punch to the cheek. The sister had been startled and attacked him. Luckily with the left hand which was unarmed. Hetsu was flung back, his mouth agape with shock. Then he hit the ground and a loud 'Thud' followed. Niko stood in shock as he watched the whole scene happen, the sister realizing what she had done kept her face still and emotionless, her poker face. When he hit the ground they all went silent. Suddenly Hetsu started laughing. His hand went to his cheek and he was holding it in order to control the pain but, he was laughing and had the biggest smile on his face. Niko and the sister stared at him confused, this.....this had never happened before.

"Oh my lord, damn lady I had no idea you could punch so hard, no wonder everyone in Fiorro was afraid of you." Hetsu said chuckling. He was rubbing his cheek and clearly was in pain, but he was still smiling. Niko then ran over to him asking "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine kid, and you're pretty damn lucky to have a strong sister like her." 

The sister just stared she was standing back at the exit of the path he made and was just watching them both. Hetsu sat up and looked at the sister. 

"Well, we gonna set up camp or what?" He said. With that he got up and opened the pack on his back. After they had agreed to work together they had to go back to where the fight went down because all of their stuff was left behind. Once retrieved they continued on their way. Removing their packs they began to set up a campsite. Building a small teepee of sticks he set it aflame in order to start a campfire. While the sister went prepared a small meal for them all with the little rations they had left. Niko did his best with building a stick shelter, it wasn't really working. Soon night had fallen and Niko was sound asleep, his head resting on his sisters lap. Hetsu and her sat in silence, both staring in to the fire. The sister cast a glance at the fire mage to find him staring directly at her. This startled her a bit and caused her to quickly turned her gaze back to the flames. She heard him snicker at her sudden movements and a wave of anger swept over her. 

"You know" Hetsu started, "You're a really good sister." This caught her off guard and she returned her gaze to meet his.

"Now don't get me wrong I do find it a little weird that you never speak, I mean can you speak?" The sister looked at him for a moment deciding whether or not to tell him. She nodded. 

"So you can, then....why don't you. Is it like an oath you took or something?" Dead on. He was dead on, but he can't know that so she went with her go to poker face. He smiled, "I see, well I can relate...I actually have an oath of my own." She looked at him her eyes screaming "I didn't say anything how could you..." 

"I'm starting to understand your little movements now, whenever you and your brother...ahem..'spoke', I would watch and kind of remember what each little gesture is. It is really hard though. All I can understand is when your angry, confused, or in debate." The sister blushed, but he couldn't see it, not at that hour. No one has ever learned her ways, this Grabbing her brother she stood and went over the the edge of the clearing next to a large Oak tree. She placed down her brother then her hands grew their shade of light blue. Slowly winds blew in and solidified underneath Niko creating a bed made of air. Then as fast as lightning the cloak she always wore lay on her brother as a blanket and she was gone. Knowing she wouldn't go far Hetsu called out. 

"Ya know you don't have to hide from me, unless you don't wear anything under that clo-". His sentence was cut short as a rock shot out from the Oak trees branches and hit him square in the forehead. 

"Owwww" Hetsu moaned, placing both hands on his forehead. The rock was flat and dull so it had no chance of breaking skin, only to create a massive head ache. 

"Come on" Hetsu groaned. "Was it something I said?!?" He said purposely sounding more miserable than he actually was, though it was clear that he felt in slight pain. The tree gave him no answer, so Hetsu smiled to himself and sat down by the fire again. Watching the flames dance.

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