Ch.7 Attack of the Megacoll

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A basic idea of what the monster looks like.

"ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR" A large beast loomed over Hetsu and the sister as each of there hands glowing their respective colors. His  red-orange and hers light luminescent blue. The beast struck down with its massive paw, its claws digging up mounds of dirt creating trenches where Hetsu and the sister were standing moments before. It was a massive beast, in fact it was so big that it was thought to be a mountain of sorts. It was a deep shade of dark green and had several different species of plant life sprouting out of its back. Its eyes were blood red ans furious as it searched for where its targets went, suddenly the air around it grew warm, looking to its left it saw the orange one flying towards him, having been shot up by the blue one, perhaps a bit to forcefully because the orange one flew straight into its face, burning its fur, revealing its heavy fortified armor. Roaring in pain it leaned to the right and using the momentum it created, it lunged to the left, slamming its massive body straight into Hetsu. He would've gone flying if it weren't for the sister, who had used her wind magic as a cushion. 

"Thanks Lady" Hetsu called down, only to be met with him flying towards the beast once more. Lighting up his fists again he yelled "Here I come ugly!" The beast, unprepared for a second attack ducked. This resulted in Hetsu sailing over the beast head a trail of fire in his track and a shocked expression on his face as his went flying into the trees beyond. The monster watching that fireball fly away then turned its attention back to the other mage only to find her gone. Suddenly, it felt as if the air around its throat was being tightened around it neck, suddenly it felt two small feet land on its back the rope of air around its neck getting tighter. She had cast a spell that created the air around the monsters neck to become strained and rope like. She held the ends of the ropes so that it was chocking the beast. It clawed at the barely visible rope in vain, gasping for air it felt its lungs burning like fire. It began to see spots, black dancing spots. It couldn't take the excruciating pain much more, it roared with what little air it had left before collapsing onto the ground, shaking the earth with a thunderous thud. The sister released her spell and the beast began to breathe again. She had managed to get in the small gap that allowed her to knock out the monster but not kill it. She stood on the beast and looked at the work she had done. The beast still had burn marks over its body where Hetsu had hit it earlier,  the one mark on its face was even still smoldering. 

Hetsu chose then to burst or in his case burn out of the brush with his hands a flame, with sticks and dirt stuck all over him. He charged into the clearing only to be stopped short in his tracks by the beasts limp form on the ground.

"What the hell" He said quietly to himself. "Damn Lady, why didn't you do that an hour ago when it first showed up" he said as he stretched out his sore limbs. "Whelp, that was fun, now where did you hide your brother again." The sister stood still on the monster for a minute, its breathing cause her to rise and fall in its rhythmic swaying. Raising her hand, a small blue sphere appeared about 30 meters away from the beast, under the very oak tree that Niko had slept under. Inside sat Niko with a look of surprise on his face. The sphere disappeared and the sister leapt of the monster and went over to him. 

"Sister!!......." Niko stopped short when he say the unconscious beast laying on the ground. "Whoooooooaaaaa" Niko muttered. 

"Whoa is right kid" Hetsu replied as he jogged over and stopped nest to the two of them. Then swiftly he grabbed the shoulders of the sister and said, "And it all thanks to heeeeeeerrr". It was the moment he said her when she grabbed the arm holding her shoulder and flipped him over her head, slamming him back first onto the ground. Niko stood shocked, as Hetsu moaned.

"Come on Lady can't I get a break" Hetsu complained as he slowly picked himself up to a sitting position. 

"Are you ok, Hetsu?" Niko asked.

"I'm fine kid, though your sister just may be the death of me." Hetsu said jokingly a wide smile on his face. Niko smiled back and even giggled a little at the joke. His sister glaring from the shadows of her cloak. She then stamped her foot twice which got both of the boys attention and she motioned towards the mountain range that was just peaking over the trees and was also the location of there next destination. The city of Ourana. 

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming." Niko helped Hetsu up and all three of them went around the monster and began there track through the woods again. It would be another 3 days until they would reach the mountain ranch and then another day and a half of hiking through the mountains themselves in order to get to the city itself. 

"Well, that was a great way to start the morning, nothing like fighting a monster to get the blood flowing." Hetsu said to Niko, who then decided it was the perfect time to ask about a thousand questions on how the fight went since he couldn't see or hear a single thing that happened while in that orb. After about 20 minutes of being interrogated by Niko, Hetsu decided to try his luck with the sister again.

"Hey." he started only to meet with an elbow to the gut. He doubled over and held his stomach. "Ok, ok..damn, you must really like to see me in pain." She then turned around to face and got close enough so that he could see her face. A smirk was etched across it that meant a crystal clear yes. 

"Sister," Niko started " You need to be more nice to Hetsu, he's helping us remember." Niko said in what he felt was a stern voice. The smirk left his sisters face as she looked down at him, once again communicating through her eyes. 

"Ahh, don't worry 'bout me kid, hey have I ever told you the story of when I fought a...." Hetsu said, changing the subject to distract Niko from his slight disappointment with his sister, with a story of the supposed battles he's been through. She still hated him, hated him with all her heart, but it was kind of nice that he stuck up for her. Best to forget about it though. With that, the three of them continued on there tedious journey to Ourana. 

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