Ch.4 Fireball

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"HA HA HA HA HA HA, oh poor little lamb; you look a little scared. It's to be expected, it's not everyday one comes upon a hunting god, or a hunting god comes upon you" The blond haired boy mocked as he slowly stalked forward. "Damn though, its a shame I have to kill you its such a waste." At this point he had reached her and lifted her chin to face him. The sister stood rigid with fear, or at least she seemed to be. Staring her hunter in the eyes she slowly pulled out her dagger, and got into a position to strike. Slash..........she missed. The blond haired boy saw the dagger at the last second and dodged out of its deadly reach. "Oh, I see, your a smart little lady." He sneered. "Hiding that little blade from me, now why don't you give it to me." He began stalking towards her again, she readied to attack the guy again. He let the golden bow dissipate and pulled out a red dagger, eerily similar to her own. "Hey, I got an about we trade." He smiled nicely as if he meant to be kind. She stood ready, when all of the sudden the golden arrow in her arm began to change color, the golden glow changed to a deep red. The arrow began to burn and the sister began to scream. Her flesh began to bubble and boil, it burned and it felt like every nerve on her arm was on fire. She continued to scream on and on the pain was unbearable, tears streamed down her face. "Awww does that hurt, well maybe if you give me that dagger, I could change it so that it hurts less." Holding on tightly to her dagger she refused to let go. "Oh well, the red dagger in his hands changed color and it became a light blue, slightly darker than her own magics color. He forced the dagger to press against where her heart would be. He smiled darkly, "Well I guess this is it tootes, have fun in hell."

Fwoosh. A sudden hot and bright ball of light slammed into the side of the blond boy knocking him away, dagger and all. When the ball slammed him to him all of his magic temporarily cut out, which meant that the arrow disappeared. Falling to the ground clutching her arm the sister glanced up with her tear stricken face to gaze upon her savior. Standing not more than a few meters away, orange haired just as messed up as it was when they had left him in the square. Hands ablaze, there stood the fire mage from the Fiorro market, a look of murder in his eyes.

"Oh what's this, I didn't know you had a boyfriend." The blond boy replied after he recovered from the fireball blast. Both the fire mage and the sister were taken aback. Glancing at each otherthey both had looks of horror on their faces.

"Its not like that man." The fire wizard replied. "I just met this chick today, I don't even know her name" The sister recovering from the pain silently agreed as she tried to pull herself up to her feet.

"None the less, you have prevented me from killing my prey which means, you have to die." The blond boy said with a sneer. Recovering quickly the hunter stood and summoned another bow except this one was dark green. The fire mage pulled out a spell of his own the fire in his hands began to grow brighter and spin up in the air forming lightning fast balls of deadly fire.

"Let's dance pretty boy." The fire mage taunted. "With pleasure flame brain." He retorted. In a flash, the hunter released several arrows and the fire mage matched with a wave of fireballs. The power of both was more or less even and when the spells slammed into each other they were cancelled out. Not hesitating the fire mage set out another wave of fire spells. The hunter retaliated but one spell managed to fly past the arrows and strike the hunter in the leg. Dropping to his knees the hunter grasped his wounds. Raising his head he saw the fire mage above him a flame blade. "Guess your all burned out friend." The flame sword came crashing down and the hunter cried in pain as the flames burned the flesh on his shoulder. His screams were agonizing ans it was clear he was in pain. Pulling the sword away the fire mage glanced down at the hunter who had passed out from the pain. His shoulder was smouldering, the wound wouldn't kill him, but it would definitely leave a scar. The fire mage finished with his work, he turned to the tree where the girl was, but she was gone."Hey!" He called out. "Hey girl, where'd ya go." confused by her disapperance the fire mage walked over to the tree where he had last saw her. Walking around the tree he noticed a faint blue glow behind a tree a few meters away. Fearing it may be another hunter the fire mage activated his magic with a faint orange glow of his hands that quickly sparked into flames. Stalking the tree he went a few meters away to hide behind another tree. Just as he was about to peek around the corner a sudden blur rushed past, and it was screaming. Not only that but it was crying as well. The blur stopped in front of her, in front of the blue light and it was then he realized that the creator of the blue light was none other than the girl herself and the screaming and crying blur was none other than her brother. He was holding on tightly to her crying into her cloak.

"HOW COULD YOU, I WAS SO WORRIED! I AM YOUR BROTHER, PLEASE DON' EVER DO THAT AGIAN, PLEASE, PLEAse, PLease, Please.........please." The boy then passed out in his sisters arms. The sister didn't seem to be moving but when he looked closely he saw the rise and fall of her chest. "Hey." The mage called, surprised by his voice the girl looked over in his direction.

There stood the fire mage, his orange hair and matching eyes glowed as if they were a flame themselves. His eyes were no longer filled with murder but more of concern. "Hey are you ok?" he questioned. The girl just laid there and stared up at the man who saved her life, and then promptly passed out. "Crap, are you alright?!" the fire mage called as he ran to her side. "Hey, hey wake up." the fire mage shook her shoulder, nothing. "Ugh, what do I do now."

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